Currently, I have 40 quests completed without adding on Legacy. Does anyone have more at the moment? i just want to see where i am in these standings currently. even if you have less feel free to comment how many you have
I still need quite a few, but I don't play many flash games like I used to. I don't have that much time on my hands to get 100,000,000 combo.. -.- There are still a few I can still get and will probably get after a while.
I have some of the legacy quests, haha. I haven't had much time to sit down and play a game for a half-hour consecutively. But if I could sync my iPhone with my AG account I'd have all the achievements for the iPhone games.
103. I can only play Sinjid at school because it lags at home. And for some reason teachers get mad about me playing it. So the 6 I am missing are Sinjid ones.
71. I missed out on the legacy ones and I'm not done with Sinjid yet and I did as much as I could with Kingdom Rush in the first level cuz I suck at those type of games.