hahaha. Speaking about getting information from a rock. did you hear?! Obama announced hes been to 57 states in America! How awesome! I guess I have been wrong my whole life... I always thought there were 50.
Well, if you saw the Diet Pepsi commercial, there should be 56... =)
lol. Thats not what I meant. Jim Jones tricked people into mass suicide by convincing them he was Jesus. He told them to kill themselves so they could be happy in heavan. They did this by drinking kool-aide filled with poison.
My point is, if you keep believing that Obama will be good for our county (the usa) then you are about to drink the kool-aide.
Does any one know where Obama stands on anything? Abortion, gay marriage, anything? I heard some contrary stuff and I am hoping someone will shed some light on this.
Thanks, necromancer. Their both pretty similar. I think McCain wants to make the supreme court ban abortion, while Obama wants to ban guns. To me Guns > abortion, so that seals the deal for me.
Thanks, necromancer. Their both pretty similar. I think McCain wants to make the supreme court ban abortion, while Obama wants to ban guns. To me Guns > abortion, so that seals the deal for me.
This is a prime example of someone being uninformed or missinformed. Barack has said he doesn't want to ban, hunting rifles, hand guns, shotguns, only automatic weapons. No one in America needs a fucking AK-47. Make sure you have your facts straight before you decide to dislike a candidate for something that you have gotten wrong.
Does any one know where Obama stands on anything? Abortion, gay marriage, anything? I heard some contrary stuff and I am hoping someone will shed some light on this.
You shouldn't ask people in a forum like this for information like that. You should go to the different candidates websites where they clearly lay out their views. You can also go to different News websites. Understand though that most news organizations these days are biased one way or another. Fox is very rightwing, and Cnn is fairly left wings. I suggest NPR (closes thing America has to unbiased mass journalism they always have both sides represented) or The BBC.
I would like Mcain to win as i belive it would benefit the UK more. He is more free market and that will increase trade as well as the quality of the products and the quantity on sale for consumers. It will also give the consumers more income and so we will both benefit. In short free market economics rules.
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