ForumsWEPRMcCain or Obama

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18 posts

I personaly like McCain because i'm conservative

  • 609 Replies
1,523 posts

He stopped the Russians from putting more nukes in Cuba, and then launching them at the United States. That might be just a little bit important.

119 posts

i agree with anyone saying people on this site should do more research. If I could, I would vote for Obama for many different reasons

3,880 posts

He stopped the Russians from putting more nukes in Cuba, and then launching them at the United States. That might be just a little bit important.

Who said Cuba was going to launch them? Even so, that doesn't make JFK any better. Kinda an obvious action eh?

And again, the US has a lot more nukes.
1,523 posts

And again, the US has a lot more nukes.

If we used all of our nukes, the world would be blown up close to 80 times over. It's completely unnecessary.
119 posts

we don't have THAT many nukes, we would probably blow it up once, which is still very unnecessary

2,132 posts

Well, your problems are over. Fidel Castro isdead, Kim Jong Il is dead, Sadaam Hussein is dead, I believe Osama Bin Laden is dead, and the real killer is about to be put in prison (you'll be in for a long time, Mr. Simpson).

423 posts

You're sooooooo from Texas Agent. It's so obvious with your rightwing tendancies and your latent racist tendancies.

2,132 posts

You're sooooooo from Texas Agent. It's so obvious with your rightwing tendancies and your latent racist tendancies.
Actually I live about 5 miles east of Pasadena(I see the Rose Parade every year), but I would move to Texas if I could.
5,860 posts

this is about the election. i want McCain. i wanted Romney at the beginning though, but i can't vote anyway

423 posts

Romney is as phoney as they come. McCain is an ignorant old fool and you're pretty fucking stupid for supporting either. Do America a favor and sleep through November 11th, okay? Please.

343 posts

Romney is as phoney as they come. McCain is an ignorant old fool and you're pretty ****ing stupid for supporting either. Do America a favor and sleep through November 11th, okay? Please.

do america a favor by going back in time and making your mom abort you, beacuse obvously your support of a terrorist is way dumber than supporting an ex-airforce piolet who at his age was in the airforce while obama was snorting crack

423 posts

You're so fucking ignorant. You honestly believe Obama is a terrorist? I mean even the most right wing of people I've spoken to would never say something like that. That just shows how incredibly stupid you are. Seriously, if anyone's mother should of had an aborition it's your.

I mean how uninformed can you be? It's like you're living in a cave and your only information comes from a rock.

1,667 posts

I mean how uninformed can you be? It's like you're living in a cave and your only information comes from a rock.

hahaha. Speaking about getting information from a rock. did you hear?! Obama announced hes been to 57 states in America! How awesome! I guess I have been wrong my whole life... I always thought there were 50.
423 posts

Yeah, guess what fucko your boy McCain screws up too.

McCain said that Iraq and Afghanistan have a border (they don't), he also said that Sadam Hussein was still alive. Actually, he confused Bin Laden and Sadam (he's senile.)

Comment link Date
McCain on supporting the "Future Combat System":
4. Gaffe: On September 8th, Senator McCain attacked Senator Obama on military spending, referring to a YouTube video where Senator Obama said, âI will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems."

McCain was apparently unaware that back in July, his own campaignâs senior economic adviser submitted a âplan to balance the federal budget by 2013" that noted:
"Balance the budget requires slowing outlay growth to 2.4 percent. The roughly $470 billion dollars (by 2013) in slower spending growth come from reduced deployments abroad ($150 billion; consistent with success in Iraq/Afghanistan that permits deployments to be cut by half â" hopefully more), slower discretionary spending in non-defense and Pentagon procurements ($160 billion; there are lots of procurements â" airborne laser, Globemaster, Future Combat System â" that should be ended and the entire Pentagon budget should be scrubbed)."

So while Senator McCain is criticizing Senator Obama, saying he would put the country at risk by "slowing" the development of FCS, McCain's own economic advisor has promised McCain would "end" the program and the entire Pentagon budget would be "scrubbed". link - Crooks & Liars 9/8/08

McCain on bailing out Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac:
3. Flip: In a March 25th speech in Santa Ana, CA, Senator McCain criticized talk of a proposed plan for the Federal Government to bail out the Fannie Mae and Freddia Mac home mortgage lending institutions, stating:
"It's not the duty of government to bail out and reward those who act irresponsibly, whether it be big banks or small borrowers."

Flop: On September 7th, following the announcement that the Federal Government would indeed be bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the tune of $14 Billion dollars, the McCain Campaign released the following statement:
"John McCain supports the steps needed to keep the financial troubles at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from further squeezing American families..."

Back-Flip: Before he was against bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Senator McCain was for the $30 Billion dollar Federal bailout of investment-bank Bear-Stearns:
Asked whether the Fed went too far in helping Bear Stearns, McCain said: "It's a close call, but I don't think so."He said he doesn't support federal bailouts unless there otherwise would be catastrophic effects on the financial marketplace. He said there were indications a Bear Stearns failure would have rippled across the economy.

Combined, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are responsible for nearly HALF the home mortgages in the United States, a $12 Trillion dollar market. Ibid 9/7/08

McCain on Sarah Palin's fiscal irresponsibility:
2. Flip: On August 29th, Senator John McCain chose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his Vice Presidential running mate, saying of her record:
"I found someone with an outstanding record of standing up to special interests [...] someone who has stopped government from wasting taxpayer money on things they don't want or need and put it back to work for the people."

Flop: In his fight against earmarks & wasteful spending, McCain criticized the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin, for wasteful spending of Federal Funds:
Three times in recent years, McCain's catalogs of "objectionable" spending have included earmarks for this small Alaska town, requested by its mayor at the time -- Sarah Palin.


In 2001, McCain's list of spending that had been approved without the normal budget scrutiny included a $500,000 earmark for a public transportation project in Wasilla. The Arizona senator targeted $1 million in a 2002 spending bill for an emergency communications center in town -- one that local law enforcement has said is redundant and creates confusion. McCain also criticized $450,000 set aside for an agricultural processing facility in Wasilla that was requested during Palin's tenure as mayor and cleared Congress soon after she left office in 2002. The funding was provided to help direct locally grown produce to schools, prisons and other government institutions, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group. Wasilla received $11.9 million in earmarks from 2000 to 2003. The results of this spending are very apparent today. (The town also benefited from $15 million in federal funds to promote regional rail transportation.)

Keep in mind that Palin requested (and received) just under $27 Million dollars in Federal funds to benefit a town of just over 7,000 people. That works out to just under $38,300 per person. By contrast, McCain's home town of Phoenix, Arizona receives just $18.70 per person. Since taking over as Governor, Palin's home state of Alaska has become #1 in pork barrel spending, while McCain's home state of Arizona is dead last.

In addition, consider that, thanks to a tax Palin imposed upon oil companies operating in Alaska, Alaskan residents already receive $1,200 each annually in compensation... money that the oil companies make up by charging higher prices at the pump.

Alaska is the only state that does not collect state sales tax or levy an individual income tax. To finance state operations, Alaska depends primarily on petroleum revenues.

Alaska costs American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars each year.

(EDITORS NOTE: I am still waiting on Senator McCain to respond to allegations that his VP pick was in fact a key supporter of the "Bridge to Nowhere", only opposing it once it became a very public example of wasteful spending. When he does, you can be sure it will appear here.) link - Chicago Tribune 9/3/08

McCain on employing Rove's smear-mongers:
1. Flip: In a June 4, 2000 interview, Presidential candidate John McCain had some choice words for the man who lead a smear campaign against him that suggested his adopted Bangali daughter, Bridget, was his "illigitimate love child" in a telephone push poll:
Dadmag: During your campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination Bridget became something of an issue in South Carolina didn't she?

McCain: Yeah. There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It's a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded her from it. It's just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists As you know she's Bengali, and very dark skinned. A lot of phone calls were made by people who said we should be very ashamed about her, about the color of her skin. Thousands and thousands of calls from people to voters saying "You know the McCains have a black baby" I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like those."

Flop: ABC News reports: "McCain Hires GOP Operative Who Helped Smear Him in South Carolina in 2000":
"Former officials of Sen. John McCainâs 2000 campaign expressed shock and disbelief Monday to learn than the GOP presidential nominee had hired South Carolina political consultant Tucker Eskew.

Eskew, along with Warren Tompkins and Neal Rhodes, were key members of then-Gov. George W. Bushâs South Carolina team during the 2000 primaries. McCain and his team long held Bush, Tompkins, Rhodes and Eskew responsible for the various smears against McCain and his family in the Palmetto state during that contentious contest. [â¦] Asked if the McCain campaign would have a comment about hiring one of the South Carolina strategists the senator and his 2000 campaign team once held responsible for smears against him, McCain 2008 spokesman Brian Rogers emailed, âNo."
link - Crooks & Liars 9/1/08

August Comment link Date
McCain on experience vs. judgement:
18. Flip: In numerous ads and interviews, Senator McCain has frequently pushed the "experience" argument to argue that Senator Obama is not qualified to be President of the United States.

Flop: In response to mounting questions regarding his choice of Sarah Palin, a first-term governor of Alaska whose experience includes "former beauty queen", "TV sports caster" for the local news, and (I'm not kidding) "member of the PTA", was qualified "from day one" to step in as President should something happen to the 72 year old cancer survivor, Senator McCain stressed Palins "judgement" over her "lack of experience": link - Fox News Sunday 8/31/08

Palin on her support for the "bridge to nowhere":
17. Deception: On numerous occasions now, the newly appointed VP pick, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been credited with standing up to her own party by opposing Senator Ted Steven's "Bridge to Nowhere":
On ABCâs This Week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) similarly argued that Palin is a reformer because she supposedly said, âIâm not going to build a Bridge to Nowhere.â This Week host George Stephanopoulos pointed out that Grahamâs claim is false:

GRAHAM: To go in her state and say âIâm not going to build a bridge to nowhereâ â" a $400 - $400 million appropriation that was passed by brute force in the Congress by two senior members of the congressional delegation, very powerful figures in Washington. And for her to say, âWeâre not going to do this because its not necessary and its wasteful,â to take on your own Republican party â"

STEPHANOPOULOS: But Senator, she turned against that, only she campaigned for it in her 2006 race, and turned against it in 2007 only after it became a national joke."

link - Think Progress 8/31/08

Palin on a Windfall Profits Tax on oil companies:
16. Flip: The McCain campaign has noted that Gov. Palin, like McCain, opposes Barack Obamaâs plan for a âWindfall Profits Tax on oil companiesâ (additional link)

Flop: But links abound of her support for such a tax:
"Over the opposition of oil companies, Republican Gov. Sarah Palin and Alaska's Legislature last year approved a major increase in taxes on the oil industry â" a step that has generated stunning new wealth for the state as oil prices soared."
link - DailyKOS 8/29/08

McCain on whether he's a flip-flopper:
15. Gaffe: Let's just label this one a "gaffe" and not "deception", because I have no doubt the good Senator from Arizona truly believes he hasn't flip-flopped on anything.

From ThinkProgress:
McCain dismisses any claims that heâs changed positions, telling the AP âin all due respectâ that his former colleagues are âdrinking the Kool-Aidâ:

âIn all due respect to my colleagues,â he says, âTheyâre drinking the Kool-Aid that somehow I have changed positions on the issues. All I can say is that we all grow. We all grow wiser. And we all refine our positions.â

(Editor's note: While Senator McCain has been heavy on "gaffes" and outright "deception" lately, he has already racked up eight "flip-flops" just this month alone, which is barely three weeks old. While our listing is incomplete, of the 69 anomalies we have documented thus far, 41 are "flip-flops" (not counting double flips & back-flips. In all due fairness to the Senator, he has given himself "wiggle-room" on just about every FF, from "timetables in Iraq" to "allowing the use of torture". In that regard, he is far more of a "lying gaffe machine" than he is in giving "nuanced" positions that could be called "flip-flops&quot.

there is a lot more where that came from, but you it doesn't matter anyway. You can't change peoples minds about politics even when they are so OBVIOUSLY wrong.

331 posts

McCain SUCKS!!!!!

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