ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe rap arena

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Okay, now my thesis is done, I've thought about it and decided now is a good time as any to work on my verbal skills. The idea is this:

* Give me a topic, and a style (of a person, or the name of a style). I will attempt to write a verse or two accordingly.

* If you could, give me links to the topic and examples of the style.

* No redistribution, please. The verses I write here are mine.

For example, in a previous thread, Klaushouse asked me to do a rap in the style of Kanye West on the topic of Pokemon, so I wrote one that could be rapped to Homecoming.

Have at it!

  • 591 Replies
10,816 posts

*MC mode* Ohohoooooh! What's this, what's's getting HEATED in here!

*out of MC mode* Okay guys, I'm afraid I'm not going to be here for today as something has come up (no, I'm not running away). Just remember not too much swearing and profanity etc. and keep it (relatively) clean. Especially you, MetalGrunt, you studio G, you :P

And yes, suddenly I'm being turned into a smorgasbord rapper, I'll get to that too.

113 posts

O.K... I don't anything I say LOL in my poetry LOL. I do one with noooo bad language at all! Amazing I know...It was my response to radioactive chi on pg 7. w00.

23 posts

Someone post more please!!

2,269 posts

*I challange you Grunt!*

The Metal Grunt,
When Im done with you, you'll be known as metal BURNT!
See when I spit my rymes, I don't care about crossin' any Lines,
All I do, is destroy my rivels in an flash!
And make ya'll burn and Crash!
Theres olny one lesson son!
And that is RUN!
Let me take a qute now from the hitman,
Im the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be,
You see!?!
Now let me shift this into a diffrent Gear,
When you try to opose me I'll knock you off your feet,
You betta get off the street!
Cus I'll break your god danm Kneck!
Take a left, you'll bump into me!
take a right you'll bump into me!
Left or right, you'll come across me,
See theres no out, once your in, your in with the dragon!
I'll BLAZE ya!
You'll be burnt and hurt, tryin'a get off the ground,
You'll be bound up,
Nowhere to go!
Theres olny one palce for now, and thats DEATH ROW!
Let the Lord take your soul!
When I ryme I spit out flames fool!
You damn tool!
you'll be broken in a matter of seconds!
So slit your wrists, and slide in your token!
Cus Im'be ridin this damn train,
Did I destroy your brain?
Take a closer look, and peekout the side,
you'll see your soul take a ride,
to the depths of hell!
That ring a bell?

Now theres olny one thing I got to say!...

You Just been BLAZED fool,
now take an Adivl twice a day!

(I know it sucks! But it was done 2:00 in the morning!)

113 posts

So, how could act so lame-
Like that,
So I guess it's time, to bring-
My game back,
You spit nice rhymes and yo-
Flow is tight, but this ain't-
No fight cuz I'm killin' ya'll,
You can't handle me Blaze I'ma-
Titan, & and those be my fightin'-
Don't mess me Blaze, I'll make-
You disappear, like poof, from-
Right out of the air.
I'll put you state of mind, then-
Than you'll who I is, n' how I do-
And about my biz...
So listen up Blaze I ain't some faze-
But I gottuh go now I see more h*** to-
See, now you can't believe I got this-
Loud, how proud you were, of yo' little rhyme,
But I think you should understand, I do this all duh time,
I'm Professional, in every sense of the word,
I'll cloud your mind, pollute it with mine,
I can't help that I'm so fine.
So I'm out, they ain't no need a' pout-
I'll be back, with new rhymes, It's my-
Time shine,
No need to front, we know you in uh bind,
You can't handle me, fool,
I'm uh titan, & these be my fightin' words.


4,196 posts

Well it looks like I am out of luck,
My rapping really did just suck.
If Strop is gone I'll guess I stay.
But I wont be on much as I have lots of homework today.

My name is KingRyan, that is clear,
The past is close yet the future is near.
Blaze and Metal your really lame,
You don't even know how play this game.

Today I'm making lots of mistakes.
I broke a glass and stepped on a rake.
My teacher chase me with a gun,
Boy oh boy, did he run!

Rapping is actually poetry of sorts.
The worst team in the AFL would have to be the Ports!
Maybe I should hand this up for school.
As long as it doesn't make me sound too much like a tool.

Blaze I think you win by far...
And Grunt...what a name...I got a new car.
My rhyming isn't going anywhere,
I guess that I don't really care.

Stop fighting friends and lets make peace.
Lets just go and eat some grease.
I'm off now so please don't fight.
I'll be on later - At least I hope I might.

I going to become a lion.
Adios and my name is...


113 posts

Your rhymes are whack, they don't make sense,
I'll give you one more try ain't no need-
To cry.
Your rap is weak, and your really slow,
How you gunna act you even know,
Cuz you don't & you won't, so no-
needuh holla back,
I've owned you, boy so go play wit yo toys.
Why do you bother to compete, it ain't bout-
You, you just obsolete, while I'm an elite...
So I try to decide your fate, I'm contemplating-
What I should do,
But there ain't no need, you can't even spit,
You ain't worth-

But I know your type, so I don't believe yo hype,
I'm the leader of my pack, while you in the back,
You such uh lame like that.

That's the last one. I have stuff to do.

4,196 posts

Hehe, Now that Grunt has left me alone.
I can no throw the last stone.
His rapping was lame, you knew that.
He almost sounded like a dying cat.
His spelling was bad, what is needuh?
He is just sad because I am the real leader.
He thinks he is cool but isn't he wrong.
C'mon, he probably smokes bong.

Strop, me mate, where are you?
I know of a spammer, but I won't say who.
Grunt's metal needs melting down.
Turn his armour into my crown.

For as you know I am the overlord.
Although I am getting sorta bored.
When I rap, the words just flow.
Cya all now I gotta go!

Tata for now, I'll take my aplause,
C'mon clap, you know the cause.
Don't try and beat me, you know I'll win.
I haven't been put in the wheelie bin....


113 posts

My spelling is bad on's the way the word is said. Unless your from the east you spelled armor wrong and said 'me mate'.

4,196 posts

Don't pay out my spelling, only I can do that.

In Australia, ARMOUR as in chain mail is spelt ARMOUR, not ARMOR.


113 posts

Um...I know...That's what I said. To the east of America (or west depending on where you look at it) would include Australia. Besides I'm just pointing out something that's not true.

2,269 posts

you aint no Lion,
You acctully tryin?
Cuz you mo' like a damn cat,
That I be snappin with a god for sakin,
Ground shakin,
See unlike Grunt, I'll finish the Job!
But act quick cuz It'll seem like a ROB!
Com'on man put your hand in the air, and block!
Cuz all I see is you talk!
be fast cuz Im a snap!
In less then a second you'll fall deep in a trap!
This aint no game!
You seekin fame?
Im a dig a trench for ya!
Now don't cry for yo ma!
go sit down on the bench!
Cuz yo grave is dug,
you damn bug!

Rest In Peace!
Cuz your live just ended right there!
Cover yo self, cuz you all bear!
Can't take the heat?
STOP tryina hang wit da beat!
I just rocked you silly!
now go pray to uncle Billy!

I BLAZED ya fool!
You sank in da damn kitte pool!
When you rap,
the words don't flow,
they so sweet, they more like cookie Doe!

Step aside,
you aint no overlord,
more like a overboard!!!

This is done, you been burnt, and your hurt,
now i'll finish yo ass off!

Fool when ya step in with BLAZE,
When ya leave you'll be DAZED!

Now thats the end of my beat,
I just ripped out ya damn teeth!


113 posts


5 posts

blaze winz, ryans rap is to randum. I no like it.

113 posts

I know, but the rap is only as good as the person reading. Once read, you can make anything nice if it's not said allowed. People just tend to like their own, and the people that they knows rap better. It's intentional that you don't like others written rap. Or it's subconscious.

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