ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe rap arena

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Okay, now my thesis is done, I've thought about it and decided now is a good time as any to work on my verbal skills. The idea is this:

* Give me a topic, and a style (of a person, or the name of a style). I will attempt to write a verse or two accordingly.

* If you could, give me links to the topic and examples of the style.

* No redistribution, please. The verses I write here are mine.

For example, in a previous thread, Klaushouse asked me to do a rap in the style of Kanye West on the topic of Pokemon, so I wrote one that could be rapped to Homecoming.

Have at it!

  • 591 Replies
10,816 posts

I personally think there's a certain skill in being able to appreciate other styles or rap- it demonstrates versatility.

So I believe I had something to do about Hershey...with some big words thrown in (this bit is really easy)...and a flaming left-wing anti-capitalist conspiracy theorist approach...

*phat Gangsta beat* :P

Whoever thought that an innocuous chocolate bar,
Would have people of all creeds flock so far,
Waving their green, losing the struggle to stay lean,
For the sake of another hit of phenylethylamine,
If religion is the opium of the masses,
Karl what would you say of all the lashes,
Of cream, molasses, cocoa laden product,
Gorging ourselves silly till we're all ****ed?
Really now, you might call me a conspiracy theorist,
But I tell you now, roll out the revenue list,
Of international chocolate companies in our history-
It redefines the meaning of global terrorist-
The world's held to ransom by these gods of capitalism,
Blatant ignorance perpetuates blissful masochism,
Expanding waistlines, slaves to our mechanism,
Be it desire for sugar, cash or blind patriotism,
The bold typeface of Hershey's achieved ubiquity,
The established face of American hegemony,
Marketing sameness be it Nestle or Cadbury,
Be your poison minty, crunchy or caramelly,
How do we stop, it's so easy to fall in,
To temptation, when you unwrap a Watchamacallit,
Candy bar, Creme Egg, Kit Kat or drink a milkshake,
Even the mere thought sets us to salivate,
For the love of God let your awareness bud,
Beware the long reach of influence of the Milk Dud,
That they sell at the flicks, maybe you didn't know,
So fixated was your mind's eye on the product placement in the show,
You can't escape but you can fight,
Refuse the lie that the world is black and white,
But coated shades of brown now the seeds are sown,
Watch out Hershey's, mark my words your cover's blown!

Haha, really. I have nothing against chocolate. Just thought you ought to know that :P

610 posts

hey strop i have something interesting RAP about YOURE GRANDMA lol

10,816 posts

That's actually something I literally can't do. I actually don't know any of my grandmothers on any side, as my mother doesn't have anything to do with my father's side of the family and my grandmother on my mother's side was deceased before I was born.

So out of respect for familial relations I'm not going to rap about something I have no clue about!

That said, I believe you asked me to do something about pizza? Sounds like a job for a Snoop-Dogg impersonator! I'll do one later, but I had another to do first...

2,269 posts

I'll try doing the Grandma! (lol)

*I don't know my mom's side's grandma much, and my fathers side passed away when I was 3-5*

So this will be a FAKE one, about no ones grandma!

608 posts

Ok so are we supposed to come up with the rap or are we supposed to give you a topic and then you rap from it?

536 posts

Just was kind of a spectator of this thread until I saw something about this grandma thing. Though I'd make one about it. XD

I've got a G-Ma who is so da bomb,
Too bad she couldn't pass it to my mom!
She's a sweet old lady who likes too move-
you'll all be amazed as you watch her groove.
She sure ain't no ugly fool,
For an old lady she even looks good in the swimming pool,
My grandma's so the best, she beats all the rest,
For her we almost have to make a new family crest!
That was just so lame, I am so bad at this game,
There isn't no way that'll get any fame ^^!!

Haha, ok I know that was so bad, I was just looking through the grandma thing and though I'd make something up. I pretty much did that right now while sitting here. If you want to tell me how bad it is go ahead, I know I can't rap. I'm just a lil white fool >.<

19 posts

Here's alittle something that I just came up with.

What's up with grandma's?
They smell so bad, they wear too much perfume it is oh so sad.
It's like they think they got a date when all it is is fate.

They need to take a shower to take the smell away but yet they still put more on for the next day!

It really makes me mad when they say they love my dad
I say shut up fool, he's already had.

The last thing that im going to say about a grandma is that they have really nice hair, it's almost all fake but they have to have it so that their melon don't bake!

2,269 posts


(feed my bordom!, oh and this is peferably to you Kingryan, and Grunt, come on, I want to rap with ya guys again!)

(Just post, and tell me, and I'll respond.....meanwhile....)

*rap twords spammers,haters,hackers on AG*

This my yard!
Yo @SS betta step off!
Cuz you mess with me, you gonna Drop!
Take the advice, an Leave!
Cuz Im'a break ya god damn knees!
You can't hang with me!
Much alone step up to da BEAT!
Im'a Rock ya-
knock ya-
Block ya-
from enterin'
The AG!
Thats Armor Games fool!
Opean yo EARS,
By the time this over-
yo be in TEARS!
I aint claiming Westside-
I anit claiming Eastside-
Much mo' then a Suicide!
Mess with the AG,
yo case be classified as a Homicide!
This my YARD!
Don't be a RE-TARD,
Yo ass wanna' die?
Don't be shy!
You know you wanna' TESTIFY!
You can't run!
Cuz yo ass can't FLY!
You think Im Fibbin'-
I aint Kiddin'!
Now lem' me end this off,
Spamma run yo ass out'a hear,
cuz im ginvin' yo da count damn three!
Yo ass been tradmarked an sachle charged,
as officily been kicked by da GANGSTA BLAZE!
yo damn mind must be trapped in a maze!
Cuz ya can't seem to think,
otha' then to spam!

No mo' to say to a punk-
like you!
Cuz in da back of my trunk-
is an AK to hunt!


737 posts

I seriously wonder if you are immortal technique...that was as damn-near perfect as you could get. And totally amazing. Thanks

4,196 posts

Well Blaze, you think your the da best.
But thats because you haven't met the rest.
Some of us really like to rap,
But you just sound like a dripping tap.

Also you language comes from the gutter.
I'm surprised that you don't have
You really just are full of trash.
Ouch I think I am getting a butt rash.

So, you know my rapping is just funny.
Boy, I could even rap about a dunny!
Blaze you just like to flame,
You take this too seriosly, it's just a game.

Hey Strop we should get a merit if we win,
Make it like that debatin thing.
I really have to go right now.
Beat that Lil' Blaze you fat old ugly cow.


10,816 posts

LOL @ butt rash. I'm coming to really like your random interjections into your own raps, Kingryan.

10,816 posts

@ Eyetwitch: Haha, seriously, not Immortal Technique.

Next up will be a request from TheMetalGrunt- a rap on Carls Jr in the style of Lupe (which, now that I think about it, is really very apt!)

@ StarScreamer, if you have a rap and you wanna get it on, by all means come on in!

4,196 posts

Well It seems like Blaze was much to lame,
To try and beat me at this game.
Strop I see you like my style.
Have you seen The Naked Mile.

Mind you I haven't and I don't want too.
I would rather be flushed down the loo!
I've just eated dinner.
And I'm not getting thinner.

Maybe we should do limericks instead.
Oh no not the girl I like...I'm going red.
My rapping is made up of random stuff.
I think that I have said enough.

I have to do some homework now!
I can beat anyone, including the big fat old purple cow.
Remember that I will be back.
And my name is...



4,196 posts

This is for you Paige...

I know this girl,
She makes me hurl,
Her name is Paige,
And she's about my age.

She couldn't rap, to save her sole.
So rapping for her, is my goal.
She asked me to rap for her,
I guess I will, for that ripe old curr.

My rapping as you know isn't great,
But I'll try my best for you me mate!
It really isn't all that hard,
You just gotta keep up your guard.

You rapped about me and you made me sad.
Your lucky that I didn't get real mad.
Angriness aside, because we're friends.
Oh no...I think I'm getting the bends.

So anyway, you really can dance,
But you look like you have ants in your pants.
Is this enough I need to go...
I think it is going to snow?

Adios my friend, your really great.
Cya @ school, and don't be late!

By KingRyan, for Paige!

(PS - Note that it never snows in Australia!)
(PSS - Did you like that Paige's Mum?)
(PSSS - Yes I knew you would show it to her...)


79 posts

Ha ha,nice on Ryan!


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