You are a paladin. You live in a small town called Asha that is far from most dangers and worries. As the capital of its empire does not see fit to send troops to help, you are the lone defender of its people. You spend most of your time learning to become a better force for good and though you usually don't have much to do, you still feel proud to defend its walls.
Head: Leather Helmet Body: Thick Leather Chest plate Legs: Leather Leggings Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Iron Short sword Left Hand: Small Shield =========================== The Day starts out like any other day. It is warm, sunny, and peaceful. Unfortunately it did not stay that way. About halfway through the day, when you are reading in the local library about different ways to expel demons, you hear horses ride into town. You walk out of the library and see a total of 10 royal knights of the empire readying defenses around the town. This is an odd sight, as usually the empire cares little about your town....
You are an aspiring knight...sort of. Though you spend most of your time hanging out at the barracks, they haven't quite accepted you and most of the time put you down. This usually drives you to the bottle within dinnertime. Though you know that you have the skill to become a knight, you are always too nervous to ask the local Recruiter for the task. You wish for the days when the king would choose his knights personally for their great deeds of heroism. ============= Name: Age: HP: 100/100 Hunger: 50/50 ============= Basic Stats
After another day of hanging out at the barracks, you head home to see if you can just go to bed before getting dead drunk. Before you make it back however, you hear a woman's scream coming from a few blocks down from your house....
You live in the heart of the empire, a hustling city called Ragnum. The city is flourishing, peaceful and beautiful, at least it is in the north part. Down in the southern slums,most of the people are dirt crooks and thieves. Even the women steal from others to keep their children alive. You are one of these no-name criminals and hang out at a local bar near your 0 bed 0 bath apartment.
Strength: 3 Willpower: 4 Knowledge: 3 Agility: 8 Endurance: 4 ============== Money: 50 ShadowBend: 10% (an ability you can use every time it reaches 100%) ================ Armor/Weapons
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Torn Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Dagger Left Hand: Dagger ==================== You have always hated the people who live so richly while the majority live in filth. One day one of those people strolls into your bar. He is wearing about 3000$ worth of clothes and could probably buy the place with his pocket change. He could be your biggest hit ever, but he might also be a key to bigger fish....
You are an archer that lives in the remote town of Togilate. This town is far into the mountains and is hard to reach by any standards. Half the people of the empire don't even know it exists. You use your skills to provide for your family. Unfortunately, you also have a drinking problem, and when you are not selling your kills for money, you are spending it on beer. ============ Name: Age: HP: 100/100 Hunger: 50/50 ============ Basic Stats
Head: Leather Hat Body: Shirt and quiver Legs: Pants Feet: Torn Boots Right Hand: Longbow Left Hand: Nothing =================== One night on the way home from another drinking excursion, you hear a noise coming from outside the town wall. It sounds like a low growl mixed with some kind of humming. You are afraid to see what kind of thing could make this noise, but at the same time, quite curious....
You are an archer that lives in the remote town of Togilate. This town is far into the mountains and is hard to reach by any standards. Half the people of the empire don't even know it exists. You use your skills to provide for your family. Unfortunately, you also have a drinking problem, and when you are not selling your kills for money, you are spending it on beer. ============ Name: Age: HP: 100/100 Hunger: 50/50 ============ Basic Stats
Head: Leather Hat Body: Shirt and quiver Legs: Pants Feet: Torn Boots Right Hand: Longbow Left Hand: Nothing =================== One night on the way home from another drinking excursion, you hear a noise coming from outside the town wall. It sounds like a low growl mixed with some kind of humming. You are afraid to see what kind of thing could make this noise, but at the same time, quite curious....
Head: Leather Hat Body: Shirt and quiver Legs: Pants Feet: Torn Boots Right Hand: Longbow Left Hand: Nothing ===================
you drunkenly climb the wall, ignoring the fact that there are stairs 3 feet away. Once at the top, you look down over the wall. At the gate there is a dog like beast growling at the door. This creature looks much more powerful than a dog, with claws like a tigers, and nearly twice the size of a regular dog, this one could probably kill you in an instant. However, it seems to want to enter the town, and if it did, it could kill everyone there...
Head: Leather Hat Body: Shirt and quiver Legs: Pants Feet: Torn Boots Right Hand: Longbow Left Hand: Nothing ===================
You really are drunk aren't you? You open the gate and the creature leaps in without hesitation. It starts looking around the town for someone to kill. It has not yet noticed you behind it on the archway...
You are a mage that lives in the small, out of the way town of Rangok. You are quick to anger, and hate anyone who makes fun of you or your profession. You spend most of your time studying magic and its history in the local library...
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Tall Stick (you can pick up any rod-like object to use) Left Hand: Nothing ====================
One day, as you are reading from a magical book in the library, you hear gasps from outside. Seconds later, many townspeople rush in toward you shouting and asking rapid questions. You are finally able to get the whole story from a short man in the back. He says that a Comet like object flew from the sky and landed near the town to the east. He said it looked very magical and you are the only one in the town with knowledge in that field. Right now all of the villagers refuse to leave the town and are all looking to you for help...