Head: Leather Hat Body: Shirt and quiver Legs: Pants Feet: Torn Boots Right Hand: Longbow Left Hand: Nothing ===================
You sneak downward off of the gateway and slowly leave the town, closing the door behind you. You hear screams of pain from inside and do not dare look at what you have caused. Within minutes the town is on fire, and you hear hundreds of people calling out for help...
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Tall Stick Left Hand: Nothing ====================
A few of the more brave citizens take up arms and volunteer to help find out what the Comet is. You and your three accompanying Citizens leave the city, and go in search of the Comet. you eventually find it in a clearing to the northeast. It is not like anything you have ever seen before and is radiating Magical Energy. just being near it fills you with more power than you have ever felt before. After a while of watching it, it does nothing. You cannot leave it here, but are also afraid of going near it....
Head: Leather Hat Body: Shirt and quiver Legs: Pants Feet: Torn Boots Right Hand: Longbow Left Hand: Nothing ===================
You walk away from the town, leaving the dying people to by killed or worse by the giant devil dog. As you head into the forest, you hear noises all around you. Growls and grunts surround you and you feel as though you are being watched. Suddenly, out of nowhere, another Giant Dog whips out of the trees and stares directly at you. It lifts its lip in a dark growl and its eyes challenge you to a duel...
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Tall Stick Left Hand: Nothing ====================
I tell the commoners to stand off, and I will call them if I need them. After they are a bit off in the distance, I slowly approach the comet with my hand outstretched...
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Tall Stick Left Hand: Nothing ====================
You reach your hand outwards toward the Comet and slowly edge closer until your hand is an inch away. Suddenly you feel an influx of energy and you are pushed backwards. The Comet Unravels like a machine and the energy flow is suddenly reversed. You feel your Magical Charge being pulled away into the creature. You have a few seconds before you no longer have enough energy to cast a spell...!
Head: Leather Hat Body: Shirt and quiver Legs: Pants Feet: Torn Boots Right Hand: Longbow Left Hand: Nothing ===================
You pull out your longbow and let an arrow fly into the creature's face. The arrow hits him square in the nose and it lets loose a howl of rage. It then charges toward you at full speed, ignoring the wound in its snout...
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Tall Stick Left Hand: Nothing ====================
You Quickly cast a bolt of lightning at the creature and it easily dodges out of the way. This however stops the energy vortex long enough for you to get out of its range. You hear your helpers come flying out of the forest to help, but you don't know what kind of help they might provide. The instant they burst into the clearing, they are caught in the vortex and are instantly vaporized by the pool of energy the creature pulled from you....
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Tall Stick Left Hand: Nothing ====================
You flee the clearing and make it to a large rock from which you can observe the creature. It curls back up into a comet shape and rolls away in the direction of your town..
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Tall Stick Left Hand: Nothing ====================
You sprint back to your village as fast as you can. By the time you get back the village is in flames and you see hundreds of people fleeing from the burning town. The walls prevent you from looking inside, however, you feel that you probably don't want to take a peek...
Head: Hood Body: Cloak Legs: Pants Feet: Leather Boots Right Hand: Tall Stick Left Hand: Nothing ====================
You walk away from the village, hearing creaks and falling boards behind you. As you walk away many of the villagers give you accusing glances and stares as if this was your fault. You take the main road away from the village in an effort to get away from the judgmental villagers. After a days walk you come upon a roadside inn...