========== Name: Shadow White Age: 21 HP: 150/150 Hunger: 30/50 ================ Basic Stats: Strength: 6 Willpower: 4 Knowledge: 6 Agility: 3 Endurance: 6 ================ Money: 100 Devotion: 100/100 (Pretty much spell power) Corruption: 0% ============================ Armor/Equipment: Head: Iron Helm Body: Iron Chest plate Legs: Iron Leggings Feet: Iron Boots Arms: Nothing Hands: Nothing Right Hand: Short Sword Left Hand: Tower Shield Back: Nothing =======
( -5 Hunger )
================================ Both of you discuss the recent events and come to the conclusion that the man was an assassin sent to kill nivlac. However, you both cannot decide what to do with the man or how to figure out who sent him....
PS: This will be the format for most of the conversations/interactions you guys have. In places where you will have to make a decision, you will both have to either decide what to do, or part ways!
Also: I will be posting a little less now because I have to do some stuff, I will probably post a few more times, but dont be worried if it takes a few hours.
You don't really have to post your character sheet while conversing, it sort of clusters up the page, and I'm not going to change it until you are done.