i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
Dec 21, 2012 is ONLY mentioned in the Mayan calendar, nowhere else. Maybe if it was mentioned by LOTS of ancient civilizations or in religious texts, I might be worried.
But honestly, who cares what some ancient civilization thought?
They still got wiped out by the Spanish inquisition, shows how much they could predict.
yes, mayan years. surely they didn't have the same as ours. the standardized BC/AD system hasn't been around forever, they probably didn't even predict years as measurements of 365 days.
This conversation has been going on for a while. Just stop posting. All we can do is wait for that date and see for yourself. Ima get a moderator to lock the conversation.
this is fake duh!! The Earth will still last for 34.7 million years you know FACT: Did you know during like before ice age there was a super contury called: Pujura (can't say it) But then after a few million years it turn into parts of contury We will predict it will be back to Pujura the super contury in another like 28 million years i think. But it will be in aother shape. Got this fact from national geographics. I like that channel