Keep in mind im sure at least some of these are fake but some could be beliveable. And for you belivers out there dont start going crazy some ancient cultures put a babies head between to boards to eleongate their heads these could just be mummies. Personnaly i belive in aliens.
Well I know witch of them are real and you can tell if its computerized
there could be many races of aliens not just small or skinny ones
I think these aliens that we call live near the star Zeta Reticular I think there's 7 worlds that exist there if I can remember right and each world could have different race types of life
this has been proven that exists before we even had the technology to see that far
here ya go more proof some might be fake some not
The Pope himself actually stated that since God created an infinite universe, that he could have created other forms of life. And, since whatever orders or actions the Pope takes are technically mandated from God Himself, I would say that's a little better than being in the bible.
Well , I don't know what the Bible or Quran says about aliens but in my own belief I think it has a possiblity however , I doubt aliens are what we like to think of them , they could be just like humans in every way except living in another part of the universe so you never know
also all that junk about UFO and stuff... I don't entirly believe that stuff
Hey have you guys ever thought that someone you know might be an alien? I've seen people that I swear have to be aliens because they are way too unusual haha.
Hey have you guys ever thought that someone you know might be an alien? I've seen people that I swear have to be aliens because they are way too unusual haha.
Flipski I hope you not pointing fingers at anybody here. Maybe another Mod??? Jk
Well Flip , in Muslim belief , there are things called jinn , they are beings who live among us , they can see us but we cant see them , they have their own community and stuff , they are sorta like spirits but not and sometimes they can come in the form of a human , but with a few signs like they wont have a shadow or they are missing a toe and finger , weird? yea i know but its true , anyways am just saying , there are things that we don't seem to know about or understand and nothing , not even science can explain stuff like that , its paranormal xD
Wow Scarblade That is a very interesting belief! Its crossed my mind before that it seems as if humans have learned to believe that God and spirits are seperate from aliens when in fact they could be the same things. Such advanced beings from other areas or other dimensions might be interpreted as Gods or aliens. We could look at them scientifically and say they engineered us and live in another dimension, and spiritually we could say that they created us and live in the heavens. Same thing right? And they could be among us, watching us, etc. either as invisible aliens, or as spirits. If we do realize that something is watching over us i believe it would cause a great divide in humanity, when in reality what it should do is unite the religious people with the scientific people.
I'm glad to see that you found sense in my post , i agree with you , anything is possible , however , if such beings were created by God it shows us how powerful God is if he is capable of making beings so amazing and fasinating , maybe scientists should look into this fact more but well they may think it is a bunch of nonsense all the same =p