ForumsWEPRAliens real or fake?

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3 posts

i believe that aliens exist but i wanna know wat all u think about it are aliens real or fake?

  • 955 Replies
3,817 posts

You really have no basis for that. Our solar system is relatively young. Further, our "middle ages" period was only a thousand years. By all accounts, if there's life out there, the greater proportion of the universe is older than our little area and 1000 years is like a speck against a planet and would mean that most likely there are far more advanced species most likely.

I am disagreeing here. While age does give out a significant advantage, it is really just a roll of the dice. Scientific advancement is a difficult feat, it takes millions of years to get the planet to even support life, to get to organisms with more than one cell, then to get organisms with enough brain power to do something. In our little time as humans, we have made some massively impressive feats. Once we got the hang of it, it became relatively easy to improve upon it and gain a working knowledge of the universe.

For millions of years, we had had other organisms on the planet. Few of those organisms got past "Throw rocks=kill things" in tool usage, few species even today can use simple tools. To even get close to something like a scientific advancement, there has to be a highly intelligent species that not only must survive, must thrive to get any scientific advancement. In all, scientific advancement is only for the lucky and the strong, humans are the only known species that have done anything noteworthy in science on our planet, and it took millions of years to get to that point.

Of course. It's almost delusional to believe that aliens don't exist. The universe is enormous. There has to be at least one planet with intelligent/semi-intelligent life.

My theory is that if there are aliens, they aren't extremely advanced. Since when did we get the notion that aliens are wizards with technology, able to travel light years in advanced spacecrafts?
Personally, I think aliens would be much like us in the Middle Ages, or perhaps earlier.

I disagree with you to. For the same reason that scientific advancement is difficult.

Most likely, any life to be found would be simple organisms, with single cell organisms being the most common, beast like intelligence rarer by a good amount (What kind is pretty much a guess. But I would guess fish. Because why not.), with beings as intelligent as humans (Or more so, if they are exceptionally lucky) being extremely rare.
5,552 posts

it is really just a roll of the dice.

Which is why I said "most likely" numerous times in my post. More than I should have actually.

To even get close to something like a scientific advancement, there has to be a highly intelligent species that not only must survive, must thrive to get any scientific advancement. In all, scientific advancement is only for the lucky and the strong, humans are the only known species that have done anything noteworthy in science on our planet, and it took millions of years to get to that point.

And the majority of the solar systems out there have had almost twice as long as we have to start developing life. If, in the time frame it took our solar system to form and life to evolve, the species there would be over 7 billion years old if it was in the first solar systems to form within 1 billion years of expansion.
1,031 posts

You really have no basis for that.

Yes, I know. I was simply giving a rough example of what I think aliens would be like.

If, in the time frame it took our solar system to form and life to evolve, the species there would be over 7 billion years old if it was in the first solar systems to form within 1 billion years of expansion.

There are some variables. Such as the materials on their planets. The 'intelligent life-forms' may not have the materials required to make scientific advancements.

By all accounts, if there's life out there, the greater proportion of the universe is older than our little area and 1000 years is like a speck against a planet and would mean that most likely there are far more advanced species most likely.

I'm not saying it isn't possible for aliens to make scientific advancements, I just think aliens aren't what we think they are.

We only got the idea that aliens were highly intelligent from the media. Who says they know how to create gigantic spacecraft or weapons of mass destruction? I think, if there are aliens, they are not as civilized as human beings.

Because, once again, many variables come into play. While the solar system/planet could be billions of years older, intelligent may have just started evolving from simple life forms.
5,129 posts

There are some variables. Such as the materials on their planets. The 'intelligent life-forms' may not have the materials required to make scientific advancements.

they might have other materials then eart that they can use to speed up the scientific advances. maybe they have helium3 on their planet. wich would mean that they do not have the problem of pollution that we have tackel on earth. or their planet might be 5 times bigger. giving them more resources to work whit in general. avoiding overpopulation for a longer time.

many variables come into play. While the solar system/planet could be billions of years older, intelligent may have just started evolving from simple life forms.

why would we have the advancement over ALL other aliens in the univers? we know we are still improving ourself eatch year. we humans are by far not at the top of scientific research yet.
they could just aswell be older and more advanced then us.

the variabilitys can go either way. so their most likely are more and less inteligent aliens in the univers.

I think, if there are aliens, they are not as civilized as human beings.

why not? why would aliens be monster that wanna kill you? why can't they be just intrested in other aliens aswell just as we are? why would humans be so special? afterall we are still just a animal or a alien ourself.
280 posts

Like Firetail said the hasn't been any proof that aliens exist well I haven't heard of any alien stuff the closest thing to aliens that I've heard of was a meteor it broke the sound barrier where I live

5,129 posts

closest thing to aliens that I've heard of was a meteor

aliens are suposed to be alive. not to be a rock.
465 posts

hmmm id say fake
its just the way they live seems imposible

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