Think of how big the universe is, now take what yor thinking and times that by 1000, got that? Now take that number and do it again, and again, and again. That's how big the universe is. The chance of there NOT being another race of living creatures, albiet sentient or not, is in my opinion less of a chance than there not being them.
Alien's can be real they are real, example ( people from mars, Venus, Uranus who have come to earth are will come to earth, the fact is alien's are real and you can't argue with facts!!
Alien's can be real they are real, example ( people from mars, Venus, Uranus who have come to earth are will come to earth, the fact is alien's are real and you can't argue with facts!!
Well I very wise person once asked me to think...Are we the only people or thing out there for an infinite amount of miles, or is there something else?
I believe there has to be something else. The idea that we are the only things that are capable of building houses, cars, airplanes, and spaceships just seems so unreal.
I believe there has to be something else. The idea that we are the only things that are capable of building houses, cars, airplanes, and spaceships just seems so unreal.
I agree. We cant be! I mean there is no end to the universe, maybe there will be no end to life.
not the exact alien you see in films where there is inteligent life out there but nasa did discover some tiny organisisms on mars in the glacier over there
I couldn't agree more with Good Duke Zepo. Not only are the so-called aliens "Demons" the whole "Alien" phenomenon is setting the world up for the coming Great Deception that will befall all who are here before the coming of Jesus Christ.
One must only look at all the programming being done through TV and movies that have come out since the book, "Chariots of the God's" came out back in 1971 and you will see how the great lie that these "Aliens" are our true creators that placed life on this planet, i.e. the lie of evolution and you will begin to see the bigger picture. They are here now to help us.
Just ask yourself this, "Why would an intelligent civilization travel billions of light years to abduct human beings and have experiments on them and then tell them that Jesus Christ is not only one way to God?" Why don't they talk about Shiva? Or Buddha? Or Mohammed? Their only message is that they are our "Space brothers" and they will help us enter the "New Age" of evolution and that we must trust them, their knowledge and their superior intelligence. This is nothing more than the return of the Nephilim spoken of in Genesis 6:1-4.
Think about it. IF these being are not malevolent, why aren't they giving us the cure for cancer or heart disease? That is just one example and hopefully some food for thought. I think most people will be overwhelmed by what they see when the revealing does take place right before or during the rise of the Antichrist. We are told to test the spirits. We are told that one of the gifts of the spirit of the living God is the discerning of other spirits. Just because something manifests supernaturally, that doesn't mean it is benevolent! We are told to watch the signs.
What signs have you read lately?
I freely admit I have not read this entire thread, so if I have repeated anything that some other noble soul has stated, please forgive me.