There are several U.F.O.s that have actually been confirmed by the goverment of being seen, bt U.F.O.s are unidentified flying objects, so all of those U.F.O.s were just military projects like the "wheather baloon" in Roswell.
aliens are real becouse in a universe of infinite probability all things exist somewhere. Fake aliens also exist they're made out of cardboard and are made by real aliens, they call them cardboard cutouts.
well lumpiaman,how do you know they don't plan on war of the worlds on us or something?Well....maybe not, but my point is.....I don't acctually have one this time.
I have no doubts that life exists, in some way or another, outside of our cozy little system.
My real questions about alien life visiting Earth are: -How do they get here? Anti-matter? Wormholes? -What do they want?
It seems to me that, regardless of how they arrived, they have to exert some kind of effort in order to get here and make photos grainy and videos shaky and out of focus. If they are simply observing, it stands to reason that there really can't be much more that they haven't figured out in the last 50 years or so about humankind, (except how to use an iphone, perhaps).
Investigation into Dorothy Izatt, a native of Vancouver, has been filming mysterious lights in the sky for years. These tapes are reviewed, and hidden message in the lights are revealed.
The team investigates incidents of pilots encountering and engaging in mid-air combat with UFOs.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History Channel UFO Hunters - 112 Code Red * * * * *
An investigation of a UFO which had invaded the US military air space in the Southwest. Includes an interview with the military air traffic controller who witnessed the event.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History Channel UFO Hunters - 113 The NASA Files * * * * *
NASA has been exploring space for decades, and there are persistent reports that the agency has uncovered surprising information about UFOs. The team speaks with former astronauts, employees and engineers, and delves into NASA videos to see if the space agency knows more than it is letting on.
Whoa, if anyone watched every movie Mac just posted a link for, just because they saw the link here, they might just be a bit enthusiastic on the topic. And polish, that's spam, try not to post that. My opinion is that space goes on forever, and theres no chance we're the only ones out here.