I've been noticing that AG is posting more and more multiplayer online games. I really don't care for those, and it's always disappointing when I click a game that looks fun, then realize it's one of those massively multiplayer card games. Blegh. Not to mention, that's 90% of what I get in the newsletter, as well as on Facebook. Seems like they're pushing that sort of game as much as they can.
I don't like turn-based MMOs, but I love games like FO and Realm of the Mad God. I don't like RotMG much anymore because Kabam messed it up bad. My computer used to run it very smoothly, now it lags like crazy.
MMOs are addicting and make a ton of money. That's why I don't play them, ahah, I like my life and my money.
Only the weak-willed end up paying for bonuses :P
Seriously though, you don't have to play them, so why being disappointed? It's like if a restaurant you like suddenly offers an additional choice; you don't have to eat the new plate, you just go on eating what you like.
My main problem with MMOs is just the fact that many of them(not all) have some kind of energy bar or something similar that restricts the amount of things you can do. Some have timers on building things and such, but in my opinion that is pretty much the same thing. Of course there are good ones that don't do this, but then there are the ones that do...
I got really bored one day and tried half the MMO's. Most of them wouldn't load, three did but were truly terrible and lagged my comptuer up, and one I play now. It's turn based and stuff, but it is one of the few games in which I'm better than my sister, who is a genius at everything, so I keep playing it. And about the money thing? I think that's really unfair. Why would I want to pay money to get, i don't know, VIP or Bonus or Beta or whatever it is that the money offers? Most of the people who throw their money at games really get so much better, while the rest of us plod along slowly. agh.
You are idiots if you expected anything different from free MMOs. Of course there are bonuses you can buy with money, that is the way the dev team gets their salary. They don't do those games for charity you know.