So, in another thread, pangtongshu said: I've noticed that I have a tendency to respond to things (on AG) that makes me come off as if I have a certain standpoint on an issue, when I'm either not even on the issue at all, or have a standpoint that isn't what people assume XD
I learned about the Myers-Briggs test in psychology. You might be type I--J, which generally means you're internally fluid and open to change, but others tend to perceive that you aren't and think your views are solid.
Take the free test here to find your personality type. Learn more about the individual types through the links here.
Discuss how accurate the indicator is. What do you agree/disagree with? If you could change your type, which one would you want? Which would you avoid?
I would say this is accurate, except the thinking over feeling which should be closer to probably 70%.
The percentage is your preference one way over the other. These are scaled out of a 200 point range (100-0-100). So your 50% to one side is really like 150 thinking, 50 feeling. 3/4 vs 1/4.
The percentage is your preference one way over the other. These are scaled out of a 200 point range (100-0-100). So your 50% to one side is really like 150 thinking, 50 feeling. 3/4 vs 1/4.
Oh. Well, then that fits with what I thought it should be already.
I took one of these in high school as well for my AP Psych class. I got the same result, though the one I took in that class had 70 questions instead of 50.
The last one is wrong, I am not actually that judgmental. But the thinking part is completely right I would say. And the intuitive part is in accurate as well I'd say. Why is the N in intuitive capitalized? Is this a pun for being hip or something?
Extravert(1%) iNtuitive(75%) Thinking(75%) Perceiving(44)% â¢You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%) â¢You have distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing (75%) â¢You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (75%) â¢You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (44%)
Kind of funny how I have a 1% preference since I basically am an introvert during the week and extrovert on the weekends.
They are good at most anything that interests them.
Funny about this cause I suck at video games, but when I was little I used to be really good so maybe interests switched?
Following through on the implementation of an idea is usually a chore to the ENTP. For some ENTPs, this results in the habit of never finishing what they start.
But this actually happens so much it's annoying which I guess explains one of my two 75%'s
Only thing is I'm pretty much not quick in anything which is pretty much emphasized in the ENTP summary.