A)There's nothing in their fashion and dress that differentiates them from what modern culture is. B) Rap itself is a modern creature. Using it as a vehicle to spread such a message is flimsy.
A)There's nothing in their fashion and dress that differentiates them from what modern culture is. B) Rap itself is a modern creature. Using it as a vehicle to spread such a message is flimsy.
Don't let these African-american musicians set the tone for Christianity.
I doubt you meant to sound racist here, but you did. why can't they set the tone for christianity? your religion already has pop singers, gospel singers, christian rock bands (lame), christian metal bands (putridly lame), and multiple country artists. what would be any diffferent here besides the fact that they will now suck in auto-tune?
Is there a particular reason you added in that lil tidbit about their ethnicity? Yeah, actually, Black people aren't real christians, ever. This is real Christian music. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MbDqc3x97k]
I have. My teacher is one. I've been to Tanzania, and been on tour with Tanzanian pastors. Excellent chaps, those clergymen. Do they believe in baptism of desire? the trinity? The blessed Mother? The Incarnation? the Redemption? No salvation outside the church? If they doubt at least one, they aren't real Catholics. I'm wasting my knowledge here. You guys aren't religious, so stop trying to act like you know what Catholics are. Catholic, Traditional Catholics, Roman Catholics, Christians, Protestants, Jews, are all totally different things.