We are thinking about adding some more unlockable features on the site. This is not a for sure thing, and it may not go through to production. However, if we get some really cool ideas on here, it might! So what do you guys think would be some cool Armor Point unlockable features? We already have unlockable armatars, what should be next?
Here are some ideas that have been brought up through the Support and Suggestions forums already, and some we came up with. Feel free to voice your opinions on them, and add more ideas!
*Exclusive Games *Things to add to profile pages *Swords and Special Armor *New awards based on certain activity (Commenting, Rating Games, or Forum Post) *Customizable armatars (ability to modify or add things to the current armatars) *Profile skins
An idea that I had. Which you might now agree with but I will still state it. I think that for every rank that you go up, there will be a special armatar for that rank. So let's say that if you are a duke, then you will be able to access a special duke armtar(s).
Yeah, i was thinking something like that also StarScreamer, when you get a duke for example, you get access to certain items, as apposed to a rank like squire where you could only equip cheap rags, or very weak armor.
Well I wasn't thinking of armor or anything like that. I really dont think that AG should go for the WoW or Runescape look. I just think that the Customization of your profile, armatars for every rank, and acouple other ones are a good idea. The whole sword and armor thign is just too "nerdy" I think.
i think that if you rate a thousand games or a write a thousand comments posting forums or something should give more ap. that is agood unlockable goodie.
ya i would like to have like your own little knight,archer,mage and unlock armor and stuff for it. And certain armors give bonuses like more AP per forum post. And make the armor look cool
Yes definitely. Why reward spamming by giving them more points for their spam. Not saying every high level user is a spammer, but a good majority of the top 50 are. How about having a certain Armatar that can only be unlocked if the mods unlock it for you. This would be like, of you are constantly helping out, they could reward you by unlocking it. Think of it being like Recon for Halo.
Another idea that I had was that instead of getting armor and swords and stuff as you went up in AP, you should get different page skins/writing fonts or colors/profile add-on's/and forum places. (like what the CR had)
I like the idea of having collectibles. Like for certain things you do, you get an item. Now, of course they wouldn't be unlocked by points, but rather by achieving goals. For instance, making a long forum post unlocks some sort of Knights Helm. I really don't know, i'm just sort of rambling.
I have struck yet another idea. How about when you get a certain amount of merits/referrals/GR or something like that, you get a medal or trophy. At the bottom of your profile it will show you what awards someone has gotten and what the award if for.
Hmm, I could see how that would be a problem, how about you make it a rule that if they ask, they never get.
That is supposed to be the rule with merits, but that doesn't stop people from constantly harassing mods to give them merits... I have been asked about merits probably at least 5-10 times today. I can't imagine what other Mod awarded items would do.