This is my theory on Deja Vu. Theirs probably a small part of your mind where you can actually see what possibly might happen so they put it in your mind waves so you can see it in your dreams. It's a long shot but anything can happen. The mind is a complex place that we will probably never figure it out fully.
it could also be like assassains creed how when u are born all your ancestors memorys are passed down so when we experience Deja Vu its really something similiar are ancestors did
I have a strange theory on Deja Vu that I think I have heard elsewhere, so I am not taking full responsibility for this concept. This also ties in with the idea of reincarnation. I do not necessarily believe this idea, I just think it is interesting to think about.
Lets say there is reincarnation, but each time you are reincarnated, your memory of your past life is wiped. Deja vu could be the phenomena of your past memories slipping through to your current memories. OooooOoooo ^.^
You may be right, but would that mean that your past life was the exact same as your new one since, Deja Vu is something happening and then you feeling it has happened before?
On another not, memory is a weird thing. Think of it this way, when you are a baby you don't remember things from one day to the next. You could fall out of a chair and scream your head off, but not remember the next day. Also do you remember things from when you were a baby? Chances are no, and if you say you do, then I am 99.9999% positive that you took stories that you heard and made up a memory in your head.
What I'm getting at here is that if our memory was totally wiped clean, then we would have no memory. No I know you mean from life to life, but think of it like this. Right now, you know what you are doing, you know what you are thinking, and you remember what you had for breakfast this morning. Ok, well think of it how you would being a baby. Each day, your memory is anew and you totally forget everything. Once you get older, it seems like you were never a baby, and the time just shot by. Same thing with reincarnation. If our memories were wiped clean each life, there would be no life so to speak. It would be just like jumping from baby to 7. You don't remember anything. Hence do you think it would be possible to remember everything right now?
I have deja vu with commercials all the time and i swear it's a new product when it see it "again" and i'm usually thinking about how i miss the old commericial then about 2 hours to 2 days later i see it
i also seem to recall a show about how memories could possibly be implanted into our minds so we never really know we are here untill the second we think we are here but once that second passes for all we know that could have been something implanted into our memory therefor science indicates that the only sure fire thing in the ENTIRE world of our thoughts is at this EXACT second we know we are alive and here untill that second passes unless we are living memories in that case idk what to do
i've had a daja vu that was over 4 years old, back in indiana before we even knew we were moving i dreamt of a table on a porch not until last year i noticed a table on our porch and went "woah i've seen this before"
i seem to get alot of them about video games like in skate. me at the matrix doing 360 hardflip nose manual 360 inward heelflip last month and yesterday i did taht
I always seem to have Deja Vu when I had a nightmare. I think when you become frighten, it triggers something in the brain or it may trigger your past time events that are destined to come again.
soz draco i pasted the complete wrong thing. Anyway wot i was ment to paste was how deja vu is related to epilepsy it was a bit of an article bout that but not workin o wel.