Riddle me this all of you "science can prove it all" people. I was sitting in my bed not asleep yet, and had a quick vision of playing a game, there was a street and a guy with a weird arm sliceing a cop and some people around walking. Around a month or so later, my brother gets the game "rototype" and he uses the blade arm to slice up a cop on the street. I say it and i was like "I SWEAR I SAW THIS EXACT THING!" it was the exact event!!!
Riddle me this all of you "science can prove it all" people. I was sitting in my bed not asleep yet, and had a quick vision of playing a game, there was a street and a guy with a weird arm sliceing a cop and some people around walking. Around a month or so later, my brother gets the game "rototype" and he uses the blade arm to slice up a cop on the street. I say it and i was like "I SWEAR I SAW THIS EXACT THING!" it was the exact event!!!
Riddle me this, last night I had a dream of playing with a strange green fire, right after playing a game as a pyromancer for the last two days! You can't explain it!
But really. You have a vague dream and then apply it to reality, changing your dream to fit what you see. A guy slicing a cop could have been your dream, but you mutated it to fit the description of the game.