So there were a few people, and they were brainstorming and then told me to make this thread. Blame them, unless this gets really sucessful or something. This is a discussion over which 'weapon' is better. There might be a lot of unconventional weapons. And all you have to do is argue your point; which weapon you think is better. No spamming or flaming or whatever it is that people do that is annoying. First up; Biting with or without braces?
Cleats if they are metal, heels otherwise. I played soccer for many years, and trust me that hurts, but my mom hit me on the back with her heel (I deserved it), it hurt so bad. I had a bruise for over a month. Cleats only bruise for a week, unless they cut you. Heels, on the other hand...
See..with cleats..we have a large distribution of contact points whenever the kick occurs. Because of this, the pressure of the kick will be spread out, weakening the effect of it (similar to how walking on a large amount of hot coal or broken glass is actually quite easy).
With the heel, it is that one point..that one specific distribution location that will have all the force behind it alone.
I agree. I was thinking the same thing, The only drawback for heels would be the lack of balance, at least slightly weakening the force of the kick.
Glass bottle. It's way more versatile, because needles can only prick you. Glass bottles can be used as a blunt weapon and then it can transform into a nice stabbing and cutting one.
Plus, glass shards can get embedded into people's skin, causing lasting damage.
A glass bottle can do some serious damage if you hit someone in the head with one and I would think that it would be hard to stab someone hard with a knitting needle doesn't really have a handle to hold.
Depends on what needle and what bottle. But mostly on what needle. The thin needles will tend to bend easily and thus be useless. Glass bottles on the other hand can be used as club and when broken, can be quite bloody tools. So, rather glass bottle.
A lot of people are saying similar things about the glass bottle. I just wanted to add another advantage. Glass bottles can be thrown with more ease. Needles will only do damage when thrown if they are thrown by a person with enough skill. (although there are different kinds of needles...)
Glass bottle hands down. There are two generally intoned needles, knitting and sewing. Sewing needs can really really hurt, but it's rare to see one longer than an inch or two, and they're generally very thin. Even if someone shot a needle at you with some kind of needle launcher, it probably wouldn't kill you. Knitting needle, however, if you sharpen it, could be quite dangerous. But how many people would sharpen a knitting needle? Unsharpened, it could possibly still kill you, but you'd have to have a very good grip or something, or else your hand would just slide instead of going into someone. A bottle is very versatile, as mentioned above. It can be used to bludgeon or club, or with just simple smash against anything hard (not usually a head) could turn it into a sharper stabbing weapon.
It doesn't seem like anyone is going to say needle.