So there were a few people, and they were brainstorming and then told me to make this thread. Blame them, unless this gets really sucessful or something. This is a discussion over which 'weapon' is better. There might be a lot of unconventional weapons. And all you have to do is argue your point; which weapon you think is better. No spamming or flaming or whatever it is that people do that is annoying. First up; Biting with or without braces?
I would say teeth are better because long fingernails can break easily and regular fingernails won't sink into your opponent's skin that well. And if you can get a good grip on someone with your teeth you can do some serious damage. My vote goes to teeth.
Teeth, it hurts more than fingernails. it's a bite and it will bite a part of you while a fingernail would scratch something. It will hurt, but less, Or something
It all depends. In their natural state, fingernails can become a certain small pain in the *** when struggling with your sister, but if it gets real serious I'd rather rely on my teeth. Our biting force is dimensions bigger than our grip, and teeth won't break like fingernails, at least not if you bite something hard like metal.
Enhanced teeth or fingernails is already more interesting. Imagine a battle between the adamantium nails lady seen on the picture on the last page, and Jaws from the James Bond series with his steel jaws. In that battle I'd see the fingernails win, if they don't break.
Oh okay, I'm new to the game(and to the forum) pang, so how do we play it?
The person running the thread..which started as Storm, and for the time being is us a choice of options and we talk about which we prefer and give reasons for choosing whichever we choose.
Only the person running the thread decides the one else, unless they have been told otherwise.
As a melee weapon, definitely cactus, because melons would the too clunky and blunt to really do much damage. As a ranged weapon, definitely watermelons, as you can kill someone easily by just dropping a watermelon on their head from a few floors up.