So there were a few people, and they were brainstorming and then told me to make this thread. Blame them, unless this gets really sucessful or something. This is a discussion over which 'weapon' is better. There might be a lot of unconventional weapons. And all you have to do is argue your point; which weapon you think is better. No spamming or flaming or whatever it is that people do that is annoying. First up; Biting with or without braces?
I would vote for a thorny stick. It has a longer range then a potato peeler and because of that you could keep the person at bay. You could aim for the head and potentially blind them.
Whilst with a potato peeler you have to get close to the person and put yourself at risk. And as HahiHa said, we don't know what kind of potato peeler it is. So it could be a completely useless weapon, or it could be a good stabbing weapon. But even if it was a good stabbing weapon, you would have to get close and your enemy could grab it from your hand and use it against you.
This sure has a lot of variables. What kind of wood is this? Will it simply snap or bend at the slightest bit of pressure? Are the thorns barbed? What kind of potato peeler?
The thorny stick would likely be more useless than the peeler. At best, you could poke their eyes out. I think the only way this could be effective is to shove it into a minor wound caused by something else (i.e. a potato peeler). That would cause some major bleeding and possibly paralysis. Then there is always the ultimate deciding factor: how many times can it be used? The stick would break and/or all it's thorns would fall off after the first strike. Then it would just be a very short stick.
The potato peeler, on the other hand, would be my weapon of choice. It can be used forever. It has a handy grip on the handle. It's sharp enough to do damage, but not short enough to need a heavy sheath. It is also very effective as a stress reliever, you get to stab every person many times.
All in all, this is like comparing a WW2 dagger to an Aztec club (the teeth fall out after only a few hits.) Go back in time, give 1 of each of these weapons to a solider, and see what happens. He will take the peeler. I vote for the potato peeler.
Lets all remmember, this thorny stick (Not the bug apearentley) is not a mace or even a broom stick. Its a dry piece of a tree or even a flower. It will hust, but you will be able to beat your foe only once or twice befor he get to close melee, and you wont cause any massive damage. I mean, we used to hit each other with such thing s(this is how you played in a village befor the smart phones), and sometime even quite harshly, but the max was a broken finger. And that was a large stick from a tree, not a rose or other more common thorny sticks you may come by.
On the other hand, this pointy metal knife thingy. Even the one from the first image can be deadly, even if as a hard object to smack with.
Well, of course a rose stem would be less than dangerous, but if I have 'thorny stick' as option for a potential weapon, I imagine it at least to be like a good staff; which, as mentioned, can even be made to a sort of spear. Thorny stick is a term wide enough to encompass massive wood branches, while the max a potato peeler can do is make little stab wounds (most potato peeler aren't even that pointy, more roundish at the end).
So when I look at the best possible case for each option, I don't see how a potato peeler can really win...
Thorny stick. It's mostly the same as the cactus, when you hit someone it stays in the skin of the attacked, but it'slighter and causes far less pain to you. Potato peeler isn't a good choice to attack someone... What can you do with the potato peeler? Peel someone's skin? So, my vote goes to thorny stick.
If that stick is like the one HahiHa posted..I pick that. Not because I expect it to do better in a fight..but just because I'd have a blast whacking people with it =3
Its a ************ stick! Its not a thorny mace or a spear, you wont stabb a baby with it. Its will break on your enemy at first or second hit, without that much dammage. It will hurt, but kill? Nah.
And by your logic Haiha, i decleare that this potato peeler is in the size of a katana with sharp sides
This sides i mean: thr two line getting off the _ , like in |_| | V U
This thing wont break and will stand much more than your curved and oversized pointy thorny stick.
And by your logic Haiha, i decleare that this potato peeler is in the size of a katana with sharp sides
Lol no. A potato peeler is clearly defined, with a restricted choice of models; while "thorny stick" encompasses everything from 1mm to several cm thorns, from little sticks to big sticks (btw, "stick" does not mean it must be small; that word can also be used for staff-sized branches, hence my conclusion). Potato peeler is man-made, thorny stick can be anything from nature.
And again; the only sharp side on a potato peeler is the side used to peel (duh); the point, if present, is often rounded and never sharpened, so you probably won't even get through regular clothing.
One more point for the thorny option: if, as Gamer_Cale said, we think of a thorny vine, it won't be of any use for hitting, but may be used to strangle people.
One more point for the thorny option: if, as Gamer_Cale said, we think of a thorny vine, it won't be of any use for hitting, but may be used to strangle people.
Didn't think about that but I just thought that how are you going to hold this thorny stick with it cutting into you because even with gloves thorny sticks are still spikey as hell.
Didn't think about that but I just thought that how are you going to hold this thorny stick with it cutting into you because even with gloves thorny sticks are still spikey as hell.
You could get rid of thorns at the "handle" areas. Or you wear kevlar gloves, that will protect you from hurting yourself. But using gloves on the thorns will still limit your grip, so I think just getting rid of some of them is the better way.