Rebecca Black at least isn't a pompous prick. I don't hate her..all she did was make a crappy song. I'll make fun of her song to high heaven..but I have no hate for her.
Rebecca Black at least isn't a pompous prick. I don't hate her..all she did was make a crappy song. I'll make fun of her song to high heaven..but I have no hate for her.
At least it made for a decent parody, (if you like starcraft).
Justine Beaver would definitely be on top of this list though.
Justin Bieber or the Kardashians. The Kardashians are annoying. And Justin Bieber... he just... drains the life out of me. I won't even type his name anymore.
So many to choose from. Justin Beiber is pissing me off more and more. In the beginning I just didn't like his music. Now he is becoming more idiotic so I hate him. Amanda Bynes is being dumb recently.
Justin Bieber or the Kardashians. The Kardashians are annoying. And Justin Bieber... he just... drains the life out of me. I won't even type his name anymore.
The Kardashians are not celebrities, they're rich parasites who bought their way into TV. In fact, they're losers but with money. I hate Beiber as well. Fortunately I can kill him often in Infectonator 2. xD
Now back to the thread. Of course, like everyone, I am annoyed by that little kid Justin Bie... The one that shall not be named. I had a time while killing him in Infectonator 2 > I hate the Kardashians, but Kim annoys me the most. The others are far less annoying than her.
Especially after he sued Joustin' Beaver. At least Joustin' was funny.
Hm..never heard of her/him. I'll have to check it out
Why do you hate Fun.? They're pretty good.
"We are young So I'll set the world on fire"
Now imagine that annoying song...every 3 songs on the radio
1. Rebecca
I don't get why people hate Rebecca Black so much. Bieber, I get..he is a lil prick. But Black..she really didn't do anything wrong. She made a bad song..but so what? She's like..what? 16? It's a song, no reason to hate her for it.