Credit goes to RobertFine.All questions are taken from Reddit.
1. What is the best kind of king?2. Are tattoos okay?3. What profession would you choose?
Are you religious?Do you want kids?Where are you from?
Will you marry me?Will you marry me again?Will you marry me a third time?
Will you obey every word I say?Will you refrain from lying?Will you make me lots and lots of money?Considering the fact that the wife that is assigned based on these questions could potentially be fat and ugly, you might as well put in safety precautions.~~~Darth Caedus
How many fingers am I holding up?Do you like the yankees?Can you make a good sandwich?
Would you always be there for me?Do you want to have kids?Do you know how to cook and clean the dishes?
are you patient?are you confident?and i cant believe nobody said: DO YOU LOVE ME?
Do you love me?Will you love me unconditionally no matter what happens in life, or what I do?Will you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me?
Tell me about yourself. What five things do you consider most important in life?If you won 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
do you want to marry for the benefits provided by the state?does it matter if we keep our singles life altho we are officially married?kids or no kids?
I take it they have to tell the truth otherwise asking them questions would be pointless.How old are you?What gender are you? What sexuality are you?Surprised no one has asked these because you could end up with someone who is a gay 90 year old man which I don't think anyone would want.
Can you give me a description of yourself?What classes did you enjoy in school and why?If you were to ask me three questions what would they be?
Surprised no one has asked these because you could end up with someone who is a gay 90 year old man which I don't think anyone would want.
1. Are you a christian?2. Do you want to have kids?3. Can you cook.Assuming that I know that she loves me.
Can you cook
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