The same chance exists for the radio stations. If there is a 'harm' done, by 'chance' you aren't pinpoint it to the right causation.
This programm does none of the things you attribute to it. And if it would, as explained countless times before, several radio-stations would cause a far greater effect.
No, there's not. If you knew anything at all about radio waves, you'd see very quickly how absurd it is to claim they're changing the weather. And that you continually ignore that the power output of radio stations are higher than HAARP by several hundred thousand times shows that you're not interested in facts at all, just rabidly pursuing this "conspiracy."
This programm does none of the things you attribute to it. And if it would, as explained countless times before, several radio-stations would cause a far greater effect.
Do you mean radio is harmful because it's not trustworthy, or because of radio waves? I know radio waves can cause cancer, and I don't get my info from the radio.
No contradiction here.
No....there's not. Thank you captain obvious.
No, there's not. If you knew anything at all about radio waves, you'd see very quickly how absurd it is to claim they're changing the weather. And that you continually ignore that the power output of radio stations are higher than HAARP by several hundred thousand times shows that you're not interested in facts at all, just rabidly pursuing this "conspiracy."
If they can carry sound, I believe they can do other things. How can YOU be too sure on this subject? Show me proof that the government can't control the weather, then I'll believe you. You guys all just say,"Declan, you're wrong" without backing it up, even after i gave some kind of proof.
I know radio waves can cause cancer, and I don't get my info from the radio.
Lol no, they can't. At least I'm not aware of any links between exposure to radio waves and cancer.
And you're right, you get your info from unqualified sources that are in no way related to any form of intellectual authority that enforces peer reviewed studies and checks findings. You just go with whoever screams the loudest about impending doom and corruption.
If they can carry sound, I believe they can do other things.
Yep. You know absolutely nothing about radio waves. Here's a tip: They don't carry sound, and are not sound themselves.
Show me proof that the government can't control the weather, then I'll believe you.
If the government could control the weather, don't you think they would make it rain on forest fires? Or in places with droughts? Or stop tornadoes and hurricanes? Or at least get the weather reports right 99% of the time?
Seriously. It's absolute nonsense that they can.
even after i gave some kind of proof.
You have not given a single bit of proof for any of your ridiculous beliefs in your entire time here on Armor Games. You've shown to have no concept of what constitutes and evidence or proof, a lack of faculty for reasoning and assimilation of new data, and have clearly stated that you do not take what is actually evidence as evidence.
You guys all just say,"Declan, you're wrong" without backing it up
Read. Our. Posts. Fully. Click. The. Links.
We've explained very clearly, in numerous ways, how you're wrong. It's not our fault that you don't actually even attempt to understand how it is you're wrong, and instead blindly insist that you're right and providing proof (which you're not).
I know radio waves can cause cancer, and I don't get my info from the radio.
You have no idea how it works do you? Turning your radio on or off does not influence the amount of waves you are exposed to. Your radio station merely intercepts the frequencies. But don't worry, as long as you don't live in a horizontal plane next to the antenna, there's no risks, as the waves increasingly disperse with distance.
You guys all just say,"Declan, you're wrong" without backing it up, even after i gave some kind of proof.
We backed up our point with theory on radio waves. The HAARP is not so powerful. And radio waves don't carry sound, they are waves that are translated into sound by your radio. You would need to actually give evidence that such waves can carry so much energy that they can heat the air.
Sound is energy transfered from the collision of one molecule in a medium to another molecule in a medium. The energy of the sound radiates out from the point of origin in a spherical form, and as the energy dissapates, the sound "lessens." This is due to the energy of the collissions dissapating as it trys to fill a larger and larger area of exposure to new molecules in the direction of travel. Sound travels further in water than in air, because the molecules in the liquid are more densely packed than in the air. Conversely, there is no sound in space, because the medium in space is devoid of any molecules to carry out the collisions neccesary to transfer the energy.
A very basic summary, of course. But the point remains.
Show me proof that the government can't control the weather
Show me that there isn't a teapot flying out in the asteroid belt.
You have no idea how it works do you? Turning your radio on or off does not influence the amount of waves you are exposed to. Your radio station merely intercepts the frequencies. But don't worry, as long as you don't live in a horizontal plane next to the antenna, there's no risks, as the waves increasingly disperse with distance.
I may need to clarify things, use better words. I meant that your radio post at home merely intercepts the signals emitted from antennae all over the country. The antennae continually emit waves, whether your post is on or off.
There have been many studies trying to measure the effect of radio antennae on the organism, also in relation to handy emissions (yes, contrary to your radio post, your handy does emit signals). But no study has ever been able to give convincing evidence of a definite risk. Living right next to an antenna may of course not be the best idea, you might get headaches. But I've been right next to an antenna once, for like an hour or so. I'm still perfectly healthy, even after being exposed to some of the strongest signals emitted. I didn't notice any heating either.
You say you're not afraid "of anything of man." Anything they create is of man. So your statement "but I'm afraid of the things they create." is in contradiction to the first.
I know radio waves can cause cancer,
On the contrary there is a experimental method of treating cancer using radio waves. It could theoretically treat all forms safely without harm to healthy cells.
Knight. This thread revealed before you didn't even knew how radios work. As long as you can't explain why the HAARP is so dangerous even though it is much weaker than radio waves, which are essentially harmless, I consider you didn't learn much in the meantime.