ForumsSupport Forum[Answered] Is there actually a forum search?

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The title says for itself. Or i`m blind(which i hope isn`t true), or there are no forum seacrh for threads. If not, please make it - it will make finding topics more comfortable and fpeople have problems they can use forum seatch to see if there was a simillar problem with the answer. On the other hand, that may cause necroposting, but i thinkit`s not such a problem.
(Actually it`s pretty naive to think that problem wasn`t discussed earlier, but i couldn`t find the discussion).

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3,826 posts

Thanks for the suggestion - it's something that's been brought up in the past. I'm not sure what goes into implementing an effective forum search utility, so I'm just not sure what to tell you as far as what to expect or when.
In the meantime, I'd suggest just using Google (or your preferred internet search engine). Just search for Armor Games forum [topic]. This often works for me, though you may have to get a bit more specific. So if you want to find something in the WEPR forum or the Tavern, just include that in your search. Hope that helps!

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