We love that you love Armor Games enough to try to become a moderator or that you want extra points for writing a great review but we will not make you a moderator or give you a merit if you ask.
Because we choose our moderators by selecting members of the community who are responsible, mature, and contribute in great ways to the site. We watch in our own eyes and suggest to each other who should become the next mod. If you say to us "hey, I want to be a mod!" you are hurting this process because we want to choose based on qualities of users we need... leadership, responsibility, maturity, respect, and dedication to make the site awesome. Saying "I should be mod!" makes us think twice... mod material comes from people who SHOW US they can be a mod, not ASK US.
So don't: Ask a mod to make you a moderator on the site. Ask an admin to make you a moderator on the site. Suggest a user to become a moderator on the site.
As for merits, we don't want you shoving your merits in our faces. We have quite a few people scouring the site looking for awesome comments to merit so if you wrote something good most likely it will be found. If it isn't found, that isn't to say you didn't do something great for the site. People who write lots of good comments end up becoming mods as well, so maybe you won't get the merit but you might get something even better!
So help the site by being good Armor Games users, but let us choose the next mods and merits on our own accord.
do u just get merits for posting and the admins liking wut u said because i just created my account yesterday but i have been playing for a while so im just starting to learn somethings
Hey John, you should of added to be yourself, not try to be all professional. That's something that's big. Also, Moderators never use shortcut on words. You also spelled question, proper, and need to capitalize I, put you instead of use, never put but, and, or because, at the beginning of a sentence, and capitalize all the beginning words' first letter. That gives you an idea on how Moderators and admins type it.
I hope this stops many people asking for merits. I see people going to Carlie saying, "Hey, do you think this is a merit-worthy comment? If you think so, can you please merit it? Thanks." I mean, come on! I don't ask anyone to give me a merit...