soccer is DEFINITELY NOT a girly sport. The truth is, I've seen bunches of people get sent to the hospital by playing soccer. How is that so girly now?
The idea of girly to me is totally sterotypical and unfair. Girls are equal but different but in sports we are the SAME! Girls lacross is an insult, but that is a predjudice issue. I think that lacross should be split into two types, both for both genders.
More on-topic, you should read my previous post. Soccer is much rougher than most sports and much more physically demanding. I think that the only people who think soccer is "girly"(the term is only used for the sake of argument) are those who never tried it at full intensity.
I think it's weird how they wear t-shirts and shorts all year round that's crazy!Who wears t-shirts in winter?I can wear shorts but I would die without a coat.And to all you people who say getting hit with a soccer ball in the leg hurts try getting hit by a 60 MPH baseball in the face lol or a football helmet facemask to the gut that hurts.
Hey, yo619, I only wear t-shirs and shorts, year round. Does that answer your question. And, your legs are the most powerful muscles in your body. If a baseball can hurt being thrown by arm, imagine getting one kicked at you, and you being there willingly to headbutt or chest the ball. Plus, soccer is just as physical as any sport. As I said earlier, I take more damage playing soccer than fencing.
I think the reason that people call soocer "girly" is because it looks bad being only able to use your feet, and basketball (a sport where no physical contact is legal) is favored. I will admit I do get hurt a lot in basketball, but not as badly.