Good gravy, I can't believe people are still talking about this. This is why sexism still exists in this country... what makes anything "girly?" Women and men play soccer and both are exceptional athletes. It's ridiculous to have to defend the girlyness or non-girlyness of anything. Toys are marketed to girls or boys, girls can't play baseball and boys can't do ballet. It's all crap. Until we just recognize a person for their abilities, character, intelligence, etc. we will never actually be "eople." We'll just fill class, race, or gender roles.
soccer isnt a girly sport i dont play much but when i do, especially when its with bigger guys im sore afterwords because you get hit around alot and you can get pretty badly hurt
dont play soccor alot etiher but i always have a bb gun in my pants or somethin like not literally in my pants but u no. we all live in a crummy world. not
AzN, I did mean ingestion. And food definitely helped...
Oyger, I have asked you before to please make posts with substance. I realize that is a subjective thing to request, but you need to make your posts better.
I think I for first time completely agree with Moegreche. I posted a simular post somewhere along the line attacking the term "girly." It is just not right to stereotype like that. It is like saying, "Oh, that guy is black, he should be playing basketball, but baseball is a white sport," or "That guy is poor, he should be reading the times and not the new york journal." True girls are different from boys, but that is mostly (genetics are second biggest) envirnmental factors. If it can make tomatoes taste different, and create criminals, it can do this.