At first I thought it was just me, but a fellow user (who may choose to reveal himself/herself or not) has also been having the same issues. Of late, when traveling around the forums, the loading time for each section/thread/page/etc. has been slower than normal.
Any reason why? Expected time for this to continue?
Also, every forum section that is being affected by "No last post username" glitch has every thread as last posted the current day. So yesterday it all said last post was the 6th, today the 7th, etc.
So a lot of those post username glitches should be gone now, we're still working on posting errors and load times. By we, I mean Boppins. So be sure to tell him how awesome he is.
While I was waiting for the main community page to load, I clicked the Forum link and it loaded instantly. Maybe you just have to click it, wait a second, and click again to make it work? I've tried it a few times and the results have been consistent.
I'm about to triple post but whatever. The thread-view counters in the Newcomers must be broken. Many threads have over 1k and one has over 10k views. That can't be right.
Yes, Boppins said he may be cached - which means it could clean up by tomorrow. Let's keep an eye on it. The thread counters aren't that big of a deal.
[quote=Ferret]The only funkiness I'm seeing is when you try to post, sometimes it takes you back to an older page?[/quote]
Yes, this happens. I think this is a recent development, but can't be sure. (You usually get taken back to the first page of thread I think, but again I can't be sure. It isn't as such a great issue. I do think it seems to be an irregular glitch, doesn't always happen I don't think. I've no idea what causes it.)
Another thing that's been happening of late btw is you post and the message gets posted alright and the proper URL loads, however it's a blank page that loads. Only upon reloading does the page properly load. I can't say if this is still the case, after your latest messages regarding adjustments.
[quote=Salvidian]And some threads show incorrect "last post" links that take you to older posts.[/quote]
Yes, this happens if the latest post is the first post on a subsequent page of a thread. Hitting "last post" then takes you to the bottom post of the preceding page. It's been like that ever since I've been a member here, I again think but can't be sure. It can lead to confusion, when swiftly browsing around and not realizing there is more to a thread. May also lead to posting while missing an ensuing argument, so cross-posting or unnecessary flaming.
Forums and site seem to be currently smooth yes, however every time I've made a comment on it so far, something new pops up. As such things will indeed go. So I'll report, if necessary, if there's anything structural to say on it, not some instantaneous observation.