Ok green200 I'll answer that question for atb182 the ammys are not just for looks you gain them at the end of each level for accomplishing amazing feats and they give you extra points at the end so that you can gain levels faster and have higher scores on that certain level that you just beat.
first. buy all of the boosters u can. than you shoot off to the right and use your rocket power to fly right. u will get money and keep buying the booster and elastics.
to beat it, i would use the men of the west becouse the have great sword power. but when your in battle, wait for them to make a unit and send out a swords person out on the same lin and hold down the space bar.it willkeep sending units out in that place. thail start keep putting units to kill your ppl but just keep sending. soon all your ppl will keep passing the enemys line. it works for me every time. i have never lost doing that or won by time.
Try giving us some help on Besieged... im not the only one to ask. Really, the problem is the third level(i failed after 24 minutes, and just quit) Have fun... lol
for those who are stuck at level 2, line up a ballista along a path. place two archers on both sides, and a sap across the path. Set up in formations like this. get two training things, and then place cannons near your ballistas... it worked for me (barely)