frst. make a really small ship.niow when u start like the first round, hold the right arrow key and y and spacebar. the arrowkey to spin u arround, y to automatcally add muny by the second. and spacebar to shoot. but remenber, dont go up,down,or sides, just hold the right arrow key.
rawr!!! Besieged is soooooooooo hard, i couldntve beat the third lv either!! sorry for who needs walkthroughs for beseiged. good luck and tell me if u beat it.
to beat it, i would use the men of the west becouse the have great sword power. but when your in battle, wait for them to make a unit and send out a swords person out on the same lin and hold down the space willkeep sending units out in that place. thail start keep putting units to kill your ppl but just keep sending. soon all your ppl will keep passing the enemys line. it works for me every time. i have never lost doing that or won by time. hope it works for you.
well im going to be going on a roadtrip for a few days so i will not be posting for a while. but u can still ask for walktrroughs and tips for games but i will not beanswering for about 3-4 days. so i encourage ppl to help ppl out while i am gone. ty for ur time.