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What was the last movie you watched and what did you think about it?

  • 587 Replies
9,808 posts

Like everyone else I saw new Star Wars. It wasn't anything brilliant, but it was exactly what it needed to be. No more.
What a lot of people aren't really catching is how this trilogy has a completely different set up than before. Previously we saw 3 stories that built a trilogy, not we are going to be watching a trilogy build a story. Are there flaws to be found? Sure, but most of them can easily be explained away in the next two installments.
New movie order (best to worst)
V > IV >>> VII > VI (just barely. Stupid Ewoks) >>>> III >>>>>>> II=I


Just got done watching Hard to be a God which is one of the most Patrician movies I have seen. This movie is near-perfection, and a solid 10/10. Everything, EVERYTHING, is done masterfully in this movie. It would honestly do the movie injustice to even try and explain it.

Watched Punch Drunk Love the other day, and have to say I was pleasantly surprised..which says a lot because I went into it with extremely high expectations. Easily Adam Sandler's best work.

I don't really have much time to talk about movies I've seen on AG, but if you are even curious check out/follow my Letterbox
Still working on getting all the movies I've seen on there, but basically it lets you keep track of movies you've seen and rate/review them.
If any rating of mine stands out to you for any reason, feel free to ask me about it on my profile here and I'll gladly explain/talk to you about it.

11 posts

Are there flaws to be found? Sure, but most of them can easily be explained away in the next two installments.

Doubt this propaganda very much. Nothing makes sense in any way in Swii. It is Bad Storytelling filled with 20+ Deus Ex Machina not even supported by the story to start with, depsite the core rule of literature is, that you shuld avoid Deus Ex like pestilence, and if you must you can only have 1, plus 2 lucky coincidences.
This movie (if we can call it that) has 20.

The characters have no name, the situation is not explained, there's no plot, nothing makes any sense, you can see at least 3 different storyboard pieced together badly, weak characters, bad acting, negligable music (worst is the cantina-song), lack of antagonists... Maybe a 5 years old can be fooled with this, but I even doubt THAT.

I wonder how they'll magic back ANY of the Order-guys, or explain away their loss of their entire army, superweapon and founding.

Or the bad directing.

306 posts

A zombie movie I recently saw was Land of the Dead, and it was not good. I was actually surprised that the father of zombies, George A. Romero directed this because it was so meh. The plot is weak, you don't care much about what happens to the characters because you don't have any reason to be attached to them. They're just weak characters. But my biggest issue with this was that it all builds up to...nothing. The story goes nowhere and you can guess what happens by the end. The plot does nothing with itself and as such, the film is just so disposable. Laaame.
Land of the Dead: C-

Fant4stic. Holy crap. There are not enough words sufficient enough to explain how disgusting and terrible this movie was. This movie somehow ends up being the worst Fantastic Four movie ever, and that's with a movie where Galactus is a space cloud. Everything about this movie was terrible. The marketing was rubbish, the special effects were laughable, and even the title was stupid. I mean, Fant4stic. But a big blow to me was the cast. The ensemble was good, including respectable actors like Miles Teller (Whiplash) and Jamie Bell (Snowpiercer), but their performances are just awful, and Doctor Doom is without a doubt one of the worst villains in a superhero movie ever, a mix between crappy cosplay and a crash test dummy. Nothing but a piece of junk that isn't even worth a Redbox rental.
Fant4stic (not calling it Fantastic Four): F

Now, this is a movie. Spy was one of those movies that I thought would be bad before it came out because it just seemed like a typical Melissa McCarthy movie that would just be generic and bland. Oh, boy, was I (and probably a number of people) wrong. This film was great. Genuinely hilarious, good action and good writing, I had a fun time watching this. But unlike Land of the Dead, this movie actually had great characters you could like, with Melissa McCarthy shining as the lead protagonist, and the only one I liked more was Jason Staham's Rick Ford. Just a fantastic movie, definitely worth watching.
Spy: A-

306 posts

Additional thoughts on Land of the Dead:
There are still some more things that bugged me about Land of the Dead. The gore factor varies all over the place, from relatively tame to horrifically brutal. Maybe it's because I watched the Unrated Director's Cut, but still. Also, I hated the terms they used for the zombies. This is the original zombie world where all of George A. Romero's other movies took place, but years later. So since it's 2005 in the real world and his zombie creation has become an icon, he decides to randomly throw in the word zombie when all the other characters have been calling them walkers. You don't just have a character say the word zombies in the movie and never use it again. That's dumb. Additionally, there was a cameo by Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg, but I couldn't spot them at all. For me, it was really hard to try and find them. The ending to this movie was an extreme downer, too. One final thing that annoyed me was that at least 4 people died in the move after being bitten on the arm or leg. Instead of chopping the limb off and stopping the infection, they just think it's the end and kill themselves. Yes, again, this is the original zombie world, so people wouldn't have known much about them like today in real life, but after all this time, after who knows how many people have been bitten, wouldn't people think to chop the limb off? So, not a good movie.

Additional thoughts on Fant4stic:
This movie was a schlockfest, easily one of the worst movies of 2015. The dialogue was definitely one of the worst parts of the movie, with cheesy lines like "There is no Victor, only Doom." Yeaaaahh, no. Doctor Doom had one of the weakest villain motivations I had ever seen. Basically a creepy obsession with Sue Storm and something about wanting to protect "his" world and will destroy Earth to do so. Yeah, it's a mess. Also, you can clearly see Kate Mara's stupid wig between takes. Somehow, this movie cost $120 million. Must have been all that CGI they used to make Mr. Fantastic's forehead bigger and Doctor Doom's totally inconsistent powers.

2,980 posts

Black Snake Moan

Sort of weird, tediously sexual, only moderately engaging, but reasonably good. If you like watching movies where misogyny, sexual abuse, and stereotypical trashy southern culture are/is the central plot/theme(s), then you'll love this movie. Nonetheless, the acting in this movie is phenomenal and the actors portayal of each of their respective characters is Oscar worthy. 7.5/10

9,808 posts

Doubt this propaganda very much. Nothing makes sense in any way in Swii. It is Bad Storytelling filled with 20+ Deus Ex Machina not even supported by the story to start with, depsite the core rule of literature is, that you shuld avoid Deus Ex like pestilence, and if you must you can only have 1, plus 2 lucky coincidences.
This movie (if we can call it that) has 20.

I mean, if you have trouble with thinking, maybe. Like I said, most "flaws" are due to the fact that they are very obviously setting this up to be a true to form trilogy. I have little doubts they will be explain most happenings in

If you want to talk about anything specific I would love to. Just comment on my.profile all twenty+ of your concerns

7,022 posts

Just comment on my.profile all twenty+ of your concerns

pang being savage again pay no attention XD

I watched Pawn Sacrifice, the movie about the chess finals between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky during the height of the Cold War. It was actually a better movie than I expected and I already expected it to be a decent one. Definitely worth watching.

2,980 posts

Blue Velvet

Another one of my favorites, this David Lynch classic is a must see for both the lover of suspense thrillers and the Dennis Hopper fan alike.

13,055 posts

Furious 7, totally over the top and mostly impossible. That's why I liked it!
Hey wait, the last movie I watched was Pixels. So many memories... I can still picture myself putting a coin on a machine to reserve my spot then spend hours wasting time playing.
I liked the movie but the dialogues were lame. It could have had much better ratings otherwise.

8,260 posts

Furious 7,

Heh. Last movie I watched was The Hateful Eight :P Good movie all in all, though it stroke me as often gory and sometimes morbid. Classic Tarantino, I guess. Contrary to others I talked with it didn't bother me that the characters spent almost all the movie in the hut.
16,585 posts

I just rewatched The Revenant, but I think it was my latest movies anyways. Personally, I don't think Leo's performance here was his best, but I guess he does deserve the oscar, just not for this movie.

16,585 posts

Just finished watching "When the game stands tall"

7,022 posts

2 Movies. The first is Buried a psychological thriller with Ryan Reynolds, who wakes up buried in a coffin with only a zippo and a cell phone to try to escape. It was a pretty good movie, I liked how it turned out in the end and seeing Reynolds' reaction as he communicates with the outside world throug hthe cell phone was pretty amazing. If you like psychological thrillers, then it is a classic one so you have probably watched it.

The second is the less known but in my opinion equally good thriller, the Exam. The film is all about 8 candidates for a job who are placed in a room and given a test, with the task to find out exactly what the test that lies before them is and what do they need to answer. It was tense and well executed, with the appropriate ending and answers to all the mystery that is slowly presented in the movie. Worth watching if you are a fan of the genre.

16,585 posts

Batman V Superman.

It really is for the fans.

2,555 posts

Batman V Superman and I have SO much to rant about so get ready for the wall of text. The first hour of the film is just a compilation of random dream sequences, random scenes from the future and overall confusing scenes. If you make it through that hodgepodge of terrible scenes you get to see Jesse Eisenberg as... Lex Luthor! Jesse Eisenberg is a good actor in the right role but Lex Luthor is not that role. Lex Luthor who is a serious person, is played as a stuttering person who is the opposite of serious. If you make it through that you can finally see batman and superman fight... for 8 minutes. After that the movie throws in doomsday for no reason making superman, batman and wonder woman team up to try and destroy him. After a nuke is fired at superman and doomsday in the air. It actually DAZES superman, which is insane he is so underpowered in this movie. Doomsday then plummets from the sky destroying an entire city, luckily it happens to be uninhabited, so convenient.

The next part of this contains spoilers.

In the end there is a kryptonite spear that superman stabs doomsday with killing both of them. But wonder woman could of grabbed the spear! Or superman could of flown into the sun, which grants him temporary invincibility to kryptonite, and then used the spear!

No more spoilers.

All in all I do not recommend you sit through that mess of a film and DC have fun trying to revive superman for the justice league movie.

Showing 481-495 of 587