This is almost the same as Therefore, but instead of making a new subject for the next person, they need to relate it to yours in some way.P1: The sun is hot.My stove is hot.Thus, my stove is the sun.P2: The sun is made of gas.Oxygen is a gas.Thus, the sun is made of oxygen.I'll start:Wood floats.Ducks float.Thus, ducks are made of wood.
Woods are solids.Fist bumps are "solids".Thus, woods are fist bumps.
Solid is a state of matter.Liquid is a state of matter.Thus, solids are liquids.
Lawls. This game will probably get more popular than mine. I shall call it "The Thus Game"Liquid is a state of matterGas is a state of matterThus, liquid is gas.
Gasoline is a liquid.Water is a liquid.Thus, gasoline is water.
Gasoline powers cars.In the future, snails will power cars.Thus, gasoline snails power cars.
Gasoline is explosive.Napalm is explosive.Thus, most cars are fueled by napalm.
Cars transport people.Airplanes transport people.Thus, cars are airplanes.
Airplanes fly.Nuns fly when shot out of a cannon.Thus, nuns are airplanes when shot out of a cannon.
Nuns are religous.Aztec sacrificial ceremonies are religous.Thus, nuns are aztec sacrificial ceremonies.
Aztec sacrificial ceremonies kill a lot of people.Infection disease kills a lot of people.Thus, an Aztec sacrificial ceremony is an infectious disease.
Infectious disease kills more people than war.Tobacco kills more people than war.Thus, tobacco is an infectious disease.
Tobacco can be chewed.Pencils can be chewed.Thus, pencils are filled with tobacco.
Pencils are yellow.The sun is yellow.Thus, the sun is a pencil.
Yellow is a color.Blue is a color.Thus, yellow is blue.
Colours are used to express human emotionInterpretive dance is used to express human emotionThus, colours are interpretive dance
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