ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
1,026 posts

"We're even." Thats what I've wanted to hear for a long time. So can form a truce now?

2,837 posts

Never!!! Call another Crusade!!!

527 posts

All i have to say is that God is obviously real. he obviously created the earth. Theres on way a big bang and all that stuff created the earth. look at how the human body comes together so perfectly. theres no way all this justcame to be by accident. the earth is so beautiful thanks to GOD

9,462 posts

All i have to say is that God is obviously real.

Really, then I suppose you can show me the obvious proof?

he obviously created the earth.

Proof please.

Theres on way a big bang and all that stuff created the earth.

If I'm not to mistaken I just got done explaining how the Earth could form from all this stuff from the big bang just a couple pages ago. Maybe you need glasses because I don't think those prayers for better eyes are being granted.

look at how the human body comes together so perfectly.

Passages that connect to both stomach and lungs creating the possibility of choking to death.
A structure for standing that often results in back problems later on in life.
Separate holes for handling waste resulting in much higher chances of life threatening problems.

theres no way all this justcame to be by accident.

That's because it wasn't an accident. Well maybe except the above picture. Can you find me a reputable scientist who says all this was by accident, who has studied in fields of astronomy and biology?
333 posts

MageGrayWolf You are my Hero

70 posts

if you believe in the big bang theory, then how did those two what ever created the big bang come from??? they had to be created from something or someone and that something had to be created by someone, and if you say that "where did that person come from?" i will just say that the person is the alpha and omega the beginning and the end, the first and the last, God has always been here and always will. God created the earth...


9,462 posts

they had to be created from something or someone and that something had to be created by someone, and if you say that "where did that person come from?"

Why would it ultimately require a someone? we have plenty of examples of things the required no intelligent agent to form. also for creation to take place we would require a quantity of time no space no time. Finally far as we know matter and energy can't be created nor destroyed.

the first and the last, God has always been here and always will. God created the earth...

Considering the above if you can apply this to God why can't you apply this to a non entity?

Think about what create means. When you create say a claw pot, your not actually creating anything. Really when you get down to it all your doing to changing it's form. The atoms of the clay are all still there in the pot, you've just rearranged them into a new form.
Now we don't need an intelligent agent for matter and energy to change form. Crystallization is a fine example of how matter and energy can do this to form complex structures all without an intelligent agent.

Thinking about it we have this singularity with just matter and energy and no space, then it would be more accurate to say everything created nothing.
9,821 posts

if you believe in the big bang theory, then how did those two what ever created the big bang come from??? they had to be created from something or someone and that something had to be created by someone, and if you say that "where did that person come from?" i will just say that the person is the alpha and omega the beginning and the end, the first and the last, God has always been here and always will. God created the earth...

No time 'before' the Big Bang, therefore no sequence before the Big Bang, therefore no law of cause and effect before the Big Bang, therefore no need for a god in the Big Bang.

2,128 posts

if you believe in the big bang theory, then how did those two what ever created the big bang come from??? they had to be created from something or someone and that something had to be created by someone, and if you say that "where did that person come from?" i will just say that the person is the alpha and omega the beginning and the end, the first and the last, God has always been here and always will. God created the earth...


You assume that there are "those two whatever" created the big bang. You assumed they were things. In your statement, you had already made your decision of the answer you expected, thus not allowing for you mind to be changed. The big band was not created by literal things. now, I am certainly no expert of it, but I do (as far as I know) recognize that it has to do with sub-atomic particles and such. Your entire statement referred to it as if it was a person; You had your mind made, as stated before.
186 posts


9,504 posts

Well um. bump for the sake of getting rid of that awful mess of a post that lamo bot posted lol.

Sank you Kirby-san! *bows*

Uhh, let's see here... Well, the notion stands that there are indeed phenomenon that do not need intelligent agents to interfere. Crystallization, combustion, birth, all these things right here. People seem to think that every single overly-complex thing can only be explained by something that over-simplifies everything. They are not willing to learn or to find out the mysteries for themselves.
70 posts

I hope you guys don't mind, but I looked at those 158 pages and said to myself......TL;DR.

So here I am. I start with a quote.

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything."- Friedrich Nietzsche

50 posts

Well...*Big Breathe* first off I am an atheist. This may sound harsh but I personally believe the idea of God was something that people way back in the day made up either because they were on some drugs (hallucinogens preferably) or because that big question (What happens when we die?) scared people so they created an idea that there is an all mighty being that created everything and if you follow the teachings of the Bible you will join him in Heaven. I personally think Christianity or for that matter most religions were created by and for people who were to afraid to accept a life where when you die and nothing happens. Which I can understand cause the thought of just dying and that being it is kind of scary.

6,672 posts

Well...*Big Breathe* first off I am an atheist. This may sound harsh but I personally believe the idea of God was something that people way back in the day made up either because they were on some drugs (hallucinogens preferably) or because that big question (What happens when we die?) scared people so they created an idea that there is an all mighty being that created everything and if you follow the teachings of the Bible you will join him in Heaven. I personally think Christianity or for that matter most religions were created by and for people who were to afraid to accept a life where when you die and nothing happens. Which I can understand cause the thought of just dying and that being it is kind of scary.

if youre an athiest thats how you should believe. thats the right way to believe.

you only have two options. either jesus was the messiah or he was a wack job.
1 posts

look, every religion have your diferences ,and wu HAVE to respect them, 'im christian and i won't be judging other religions like atheism ,judaism or even others,why everyone have to be so intolerant, i think that the idea of lil gangsta is right, only becaus your religion says " the bird flies " ,and the others says " the bird swims" you have to respect it , so kidslayer ,rething your life ok ?

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