I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
So you are saying you prefer the cut and paste holidays of Christianity to the logic, reasoning, and cut and paste holidays of atheism? Atheist have just as much right to the "Christian" holidays as the Christians do.
Because there cannot be a force without an equal and opposite. And it's unfortunate because, they're the opposite of angels, Angels are personified as good. The opposite, bad.
Because there cannot be a force without an equal and opposite.
While this is true in force, this is not true in biology. Simply because there is a creature does not mean that there must be an opposed creature. You are mistaking physical forces with biology.
Furthermore, might I add that there is no proof for supernatural beings, therefore it is not exactly a correct usage of the term 'know' to say that you 'know they are real'. You believe they are real. There is a difference.
Good point. But what if they are a force? not necessarily a being, but a force of good, and a force of the opposite. Maybe God isn't a guy, maybe he is an entity?
Good point. But what if they are a force? not necessarily a being, but a force of good, and a force of the opposite. Maybe God isn't a guy, maybe he is an entity?
*Looks at list of forces*
Strong nuclear force Weak nuclear force Electromagnetic force Gravity
Well he doesn't fit any of those well... And besides, if he was a force he wouldn't have something "evil" he would have something literally pushing the other way...
An entity is still a being and not a physical force. Also, if good and evil were actually forces then they would be able to felt, observed, tested, and would have common influences across the board, regardless of interpretation. They have none of these things. This is what leads me to the conclusion that these things are purely human and speculative in their nature. That is the only possibility which I find explains each aspect and manifestation of good and evil.
Well, god is a creator, thus the opposite would destroy. Isn't that under our definition of evil? Destroys for no reason?
Your deity did/does far more destroying than the "evil" Satan ever did. And while I am on this path, this doesn't hold true. Matter can't be created or destroyed. Matter has never been destroyed before. If this were true, than we would regularly observe matter being destroyed...
Matter can't be created or destroyed. Matter has never been destroyed before. If this were true, than we would regularly observe matter being destroyed...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that get a little fuzzy with Anti-Matter?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that get a little fuzzy with Anti-Matter?
Technically it is MASS that cannot be created or destroyed with the exception of a transference into energy. Energy can become mass, and mass can become energy. The same holds true with anti-matter annihilation.
Well, God himself has never been seen, some claim to have heard him, I think he's never been seen because he is not a being as we know them, more like an omniscient entity. He created Jesus to be his representative, and to teach people the true ways. I also think Angels are around, because well, who could watch everything at once on their own? and God is busy with things all the time, babies, deaths, world events, so the angels help him out.