ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
32 posts

i am a catholic and i love god and jesus. but i would say, everyone should believe, what we wants

3,085 posts

I don't see how you can compare Emotion Vs. Science

Science is the study/pursuit/use of knowledge (in it's very simplest form) and emotion is a human attribute in response to stimuli.

3,817 posts

To be more accurate, I use the term 'being led' because I have no preconception of what takes place between me and the Holy Spirit. This is like a TV or radio announcer that interrupts the ball game with a 'breaking news' flash. One minute I'm busy doing one thing and the next minute my focus is being placed on a spiritual level. Try as I may but whatever I was thinking or doing comes to an immediate halt.
I also don't sit and complain that "Satan did it" but I don't want to get off topic and spam.

To ad to what has already been said, you also "speak" to the subconsciosious of your brain from time to time. The subconscious is then given credit for being a deity.
1,573 posts

The cristian side is close-minded about the scientific facts based on the material world, while the atheist side is close-minded about the spiritual emotions that are conveied to us by the cristian side.

Just to clarify, dyou mean only christian experiences or spiritual experience in general?
3,826 posts

That is because mathematics is based on a system of widely accepted assumptions.

I don't like the word assumptions here. It implies the possibility of error. Sort of like how Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting because it implies the possibility of failure. He goes killing.

We know that 5 is 5 because we all agree that is what it is.

I see what you're saying. I don't want to get into the complexities of mathematical logic, but the term we need to use here is "stipulation" rather than "assumption".

There is no way to verify mathematics empirically.

I know I'm going to lose track of what I'm thinking, and that this is going to seem an asinine point. But if I see a simplified proof for, say, Goldbach's conjecture, then that is empirical proof of the truth of Goldbach's conjecture.
Granted, this is not what we might call a "first proof" of the theorem. The empirical evidence (the writing on the board) must itself be justified by the semantic and syntactic rules of an accepted logical system - namely, that of arithmetic.

On the other hand, evidence which shows something to exist in the natural world would by necessity be empirically verifiable.

What about neutrinos? These are near-massless subatomic particles that are emitted from the fusion process within the sun. Because they are so small, it's hard to get them to interact with the physical world. In fact, the only proof we have of their existence are Chlorine pools deep underground - in gold mines. Supposedly, by the time the neutrinos have gone through enough matter, they can interact with the Chlorine to... I dunno... ionize it or something. We have an existence claim here that isn't directly verified. Instead, the effects of the presence of these posited particles are the only things that can be measured.
Thus, we have justification for the belief in the existence of these particles even though that justification is not foundational. It's not that first order kind that we want.

Deities are purported to exist, therefore they are subject to the same burden of proof which all else in existence is bound to. Namely, observation, verification, and duplication of results. Until such evidence is brought forth then there is no logical or rational reason to purport their existence as fact.

Seems like a decent response here would be to argue that if indirect existence in neutrinos is justified, then indirect evidence of God's existence should be accepted as justification as well. Now, people are going to go back and forth here for what counts as evidence for what and which events are merely coincidence. There may not be a consensus, but does that mean we should hold certain views as justified but not competing views?

The simple fact is that we stipulate all kinds of things. And these stipulations are analytic truths - they're true in virtue of meaning. Now I certainly wouldn't want to argue that we can stipulate existence claims, but why can't we stipulate conditionals?
Why is it that we can accept the following proposition N:
It is possible that neutrinos will interact with Chlorine, only if they exist.
But that's not the case for some proposition G:
It is possible that God will (insert some article of faith), only if God exists.

Anyone, I think, would accept these conditionals. Atheists like us, of course, would simply say that G is only arbitrarily true since the antecedent is false. But why are we allowed to reject G but not N? What if part of the system of beliefs is an inability to predict the outcome of certain events? I'd say most theists would be happy to accept that we cannot predict what God will do, and it's arrogant of us to think we can. Does this line of argument get the theist anywhere?
4,005 posts

I actually found some interesting information from Princeton University that actually puts forth that we DO have observable, demonstrable evidence for the existence of neutrinos. About neutrinos

Based on that, the rest of the comparison is moot. Again, there is empirical evidence for neutrinos, there is none for god. Another tally for science.

Seems like a decent response here would be to argue that if indirect existence in neutrinos is justified, then indirect evidence of God's existence should be accepted as justification as well.

Again, indirect evidence is not a sound enough basis to espouse something as fact. Obviously we would accept that there is a great likelihood, but even in our most proven scientific theories we still understand that we are most likely not 100% right, we are just as right as we can get at the moment. This allows us to accept new and different ideas should overwhelming evidence arise which is contradictory to our previous ideas. Theology does not do this. Theology espouses that it has all the answers and is in most cases unwilling to even accept new, contradictory evidence.
3,826 posts

Well, that's a nice rebuttal. I didn't know there were 3 different kinds of neutrinos.
I suppose the fact that I can't come up with a cogent argument for theistic justification isn't really that surprising. I mean, if there was one, I'd probably at least believe that most theists are justified in their beliefs.
But it just doesn't look like that's the case. At all.

219 posts

I don't really think you should be questioning or saying that one religion is better than the other.

3,085 posts

By the very nature of most religions you're really forced to do so. Quite a few have rules about not worshipping other Gods and some have passages in their holy-books which can be interpreted to mean that you should always try and convert other people. That and the whole 'one true religion' thing...

4,005 posts

I don't really think you should be questioning or saying that one religion is better than the other.

No religion is better than another. No religion is right. No religion has supporting evidence. It's purely a matter of personal opinion. I'm fine with that, you are allowed whatever opinions you want. What I get upset about is when those personal opinions start becoming the basis for law, politics, education, and anything else where they are forced upon, or used to influence or govern people who do not share those opinions. That is oppression in its purest form.
1,360 posts

Why do you believe in your God? Because he talks to you inside your head? That is surely not a reliable argument. The Yorkshire Ripper's murders were ordered by the perceived voice of Jesus inside his head. The human brain is a consummate hallucinator, and hallucinations are not good grounds for beliefs about the real world. Perhaps you believe in God because life would be intolerable without him. That's an even weaker argument. Maybe life just is intolerable. Tough! All sorts of things are intolerable, but it doesn't make them untrue. It may be intolerable that you are starving, but you won't make a stone edible by believing - no matter how passionately and sincerely - that it is made of cheese.


Read it all if you want, I just picked that bit out as I thought It sums up the idea of religion nicely
598 posts

What I get upset about is when those personal opinions start becoming the basis for law, politics, education, and anything else where they are forced upon, or used to influence or govern people who do not share those opinions. That is oppression in its purest form.

That is how some of religions see, that any religion or ideal not of their way is oppression against their own beliefs, so they want to see there way as dominant. I cant see there being any agreeability until fanatical people go away.
3,817 posts

That is how some of religions see, that any religion or ideal not of their way is oppression against their own beliefs, so they want to see there way as dominant. I cant see there being any agreeability until fanatical people go away.

For some reason, the mere mention of other ideas sets many people astir. Take the atheist billboards for an example. They are non offensive, non harmful, and not even aggressive, but they have been petitioned against, vandalized, etc.

Here is an example:

Here is an example of a vandalized one:
995 posts




252 posts

Hahaha, wow AK, nice.. I'm a christian, I believe strongly in God, and the angels, and (Unfortunately they have to exist) Satan, and his army as well. I'm cool with people who have different views, as long as they aren't openly bashing mine, and forcing their view on me.

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