ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
3,817 posts

Ask everyone here if they are a scientist or some form of a scientist.

I doubt that is true. But if one of them came up to me with a scientist and were arguing about science, the scientist has the better claim. You are arguing that a businessman knows more about science then professional scientists.

Also: you're using evidence found by other humans who were desperately trying to find an answer of evolution, trying to find Correct evidence to support the theory, ignoring anything any other scientist might have found. Nils Eldridge, a leading expert in vertebrate fossils, decided to honestly weigh the evidence. Here is his conclusion:

That is not how science works. If we find any evidence against the theory, we publish it and disprove the theory. That is one of the great things about science. Most scientist don't "want" evolution be true, even though it is, they are only looking for the truth.

So question: are you going on what a scientist is saying who never even picked up a paleontologists tool?
Oh, by the way... The famous astronomer and evolutionist Carl Sagan estimated that the chance of life evolving on any single planet, including earth, is one chance in 10 to the 2,000,000,000th power. (hint: trillion is only 10 to the 12th power. a trillion seconds would be about 31,688 some years.)

I will go with the majority of paleontologists, the ones who believe in evolution and do pick up tools. And there the majority. Who are you going to believe, a probable Christian who is wishing evolution wrong or the whole scientific community? Evolution happens in the course of millions of years. That is how it works. She notices that it takes millions of years. That is all she did.

Oh, by the way... The famous astronomer and evolutionist Carl Sagan estimated that the chance of life evolving on any single planet, including earth, is one chance in 10 to the 2,000,000,000th power. (hint: trillion is only 10 to the 12th power. a trillion seconds would be about 31,688 some years.)

I realize what large numbers are.... First, I would like a link to a non-Christian page that stats this. Second, you are forgetting to take into account that this is a natural thing. Drop a ball, and you know how it will fall. It has about the same amount of chances of evolution. It could go up, 45 degrees, 45.42425252525252525 and so on, an infinite number. We, however, know that the ball will drop straight down, against all odds. Taking into account the way the universe works, I can say with 99.99999999999... percent accuracy that the ball will drop straight down.
1,714 posts

you're using evidence found by other humans who were desperately trying to find an answer of evolution, trying to find Correct evidence to support the theory, ignoring anything any other scientist might have found.

Thats an odd thing to say for someone who ignores the entire scientific community(which has evidence btw) and believes the people with no knowledge of what they are talking about.
1,633 posts

This is somewhat founded since a guy (don't remember his name, am too lazy now to look for it) succeeded in creating many amino acids, just by reproducing the conditions that applied to earth at it's beginning.

Miller experiment in 1952 proved, if carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, water, phosphorus, simple hydrocarbons, and other elements were put in hot water with a sight electrical charge, organic compounds were found in the soup. Basic amino acids could be formed from inorganic materials. That happened in a few weeks. If given hundred of thousands of years, those amino acids could make DNA.

you're using evidence found by other humans who were desperately trying to find an answer of evolution, trying to find Correct evidence to support the theory

not s*** sherlock. I thought he got his info from aliens.
Science is about testing the current belief and if proven incorrect, then modify the existing belief. There is an extraordinary amount of evidence for evolution. It is a matter of accepting it. There is a quote by someone: "You may not believe in Evolution, but Evolution believes in you"
9,462 posts

Since it kept getting brought up that there are no transitional fossils here a list a worked up a while back on one of the evolutions threads.

Where are all the transitional fossils (a.k.a. missing links)? Well here are some examples. While not all direct ancestors they do help to represent the evolutionary step to the next form.

1. Pikaia gracilens (get back bone man...)
2. Conodont
3. Haikouichthys
4. Arandaspis prionotolepis (it's a fish)

5. Osteolepis
6. Eusthenopteron
7. Panderichthys
8. Tiktaalik
9. Ventastega
10. Elginerpeton
11. Acanthostega
12. Ichthyostega
13. Hynerpeton
14. Tulerpeton (a reptiliomorpha, reptilian like amphibian. Considered one of the first true tetrapods)
15. Pederpes
16. Eryops (semi-aquatic amphibian)

17. Proterogyrinus
18. Limnoscelis
19. Tseajaia
20. Solenodonsaurus
21. Hylonomus (early reptile)
22. Paleothyris

dinosaur evolution
23. Chasmatosaurus
24. Dromomeron
25. Marasuchus
26. Eoraptor

27. Protoclepsydrops (Begins the change from reptiles to mammals.)
28. Clepsydrops
29. Dimetrodon
30. Procynosuchus
31. Thrinaxodon (mammal like reptile)
32. Morganucodon (early mammals)
33. Yanoconodon

34. Pedopenna
35. Anchiornis
36. Archaeopteryx
37. Confuciusornis
38. Eoalulavis
39. Sinornis
40. Vorona
41. Ichthyornis

And now we have modern day birds

42. Protungulatum (first herbivorous placental mammal)

land mammal-whales
43. Mesonychid
44. Pakicetus
45. Ambulocetus
46. Dalanistes
47. Rodhocetus
48. Takracetus
49. Gaviocetus
50. Dorudon
51. Basilosaurus

Thar be Whales!

horse evolution
52. Hyracotherium
53. Orohippus
54. Mesohippus
55. Miohippus
56. Parahippus
57. Merychippus
58. Pliohippus
59. Dinohippus


human/primeape evolution
60. Darwinius
61. Apidium
62. Aegyptopithecus
63. Proconsul
64. Pierolapithecus
65. Ardipithecus
66. Australopithecus afarensis
67. Australopithecus africanus
68. Homo habilis
69. Homo erectus
70. Homo heidelbergensis

Homo sapiens (us!)

Considering the difficulty in getting a fossil to form in the first place. What we have found in the fossil record is like looking for a needle in a hay stack, and finding an almost complete sewing kit.
9,462 posts

Nils Eldridge, a leading expert in vertebrate fossils, decided to honestly weigh the evidence. Here is his conclusion:

Nils Elbridge's theory is that evolution accrues happens in sudden leaps rather then slowly. (There is evidence that this can happen) But there is also clear evidence that there has been a slow and gradual progression taking place over a long period of time.

He isn't saying evolution doesn't take place though.

The famous astronomer and evolutionist Carl Sagan estimated that the chance of life evolving on any single planet, including earth, is one chance in 10 to the 2,000,000,000th power. (hint: trillion is only 10 to the 12th power. a trillion seconds would be about 31,688 some years.)

Let's see what he's really saying.
Carl Sagan - Cosmos - Drake Equation
26,390 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

Great. I'm glad that you believe in God and Jesus Christ. Ignorance is bliss.
And just for your information, we did not evolve from apes. Apes and humans are both primates, and it is theorized that we share a common ancestor. I don't know why everyone thinks that we're evolved from apes, especially since other evolutions have occurred since then. It's like...apes are our creepy third cousin-in-law named Marvin who's all hairy and has mental health issues involving his hygiene and intelligence. The school bully makes fun of us for being related to him, when in fact we are about as close to him as we are to that kid across the street we don't even know.
9,462 posts

I don't know why everyone thinks that we're evolved from apes, especially since other evolutions have occurred since then.

Probably because they are the genetically closest to us out of the animals currently alive. Though I think I would much rather have come from an ape descendant (or actually monkey descendant) then dirt as the Bible states we were made from.
1,714 posts

Even if Evolution were through mutation, it wouldn't work because mutation only affects, it does not create. For example:
Darwinists claim that the reptile-to-mammal evolution is well documented. But for reptiles to evolve into mammals at least some of these transformations must have happened:
� Scales had to have mutated into hair.
� Breasts had to have evolved from nothing.
� Externally laid eggs had to evolve into soft-shelled eggs that were nourished by an umbilical cord and placenta in a womb.

Those three examples are not what would happen. What would happen is that scales get replaced by hair, but the gene for scales would still exist. The rest follows the same idea. When studying genes scientists found a number of genes that seemingly did nothing, but when turned on would cause animals to grow scales, limbs, eyes, whatever they once had before they gained new traits. A good example of this is tails in humans. Humans are sometimes born with tails. Why you ask, well thats because humans have genes that can grow tails, but because we evolved to not have tails most people do not have them.

And why do they show a picture - or even idea - that the whale lost legs and dove into the sea? Isn't Evolution about gaining things, not losing them?

Anyone or thing that told you whales lost legs was lying. Whales still have the legs they had when they walked on land, they evolved into the flippers we see today.

This is a whale flipper, notice how it still looks like a limb you would find on a land mammal.
3,085 posts

'No record of evolution of any kind'?...

Could you explain how this:
Became these:
over the course of roughly 10,000 years?

3,085 posts

I will admit it isn't natural selection but the mutations we wanted in the animal were bred forward and the ones we didn't were bred out.

3,817 posts

I would be SO insulted to come from apes...

Why so? You are technically an ape, by all scientific definitions. You are a monkey without a tail, witch in most cases, means your an ape.

I'd much rather be made in the image of God than of the image of Ape.

Your not in the image of an ape, you just share a common ancestor.

You know that sort of insulted me. Here are some things I do know: Evolution has never been totally correct historically. Nor scientifically. Even if Evolution were through mutation, it wouldn't work because mutation only affects, it does not create. For example:

So the frogs with multiple legs don't exist?


Has anyone noticed this term is only used by the foolish?

Darwinists claim that the reptile-to-mammal evolution is well documented. But for reptiles to evolve into mammals at least some of these transformations must have happened:
� Scales had to have mutated into hair.
� Breasts had to have evolved from nothing.
� Externally laid eggs had to evolve into soft-shelled eggs that were nourished by an umbilical cord and placenta in a womb.

It doesn't have to be reptiles, first off. For example, look at the whale. Secondly, its easier than you think. The ones that mutated a little hair would be slightly warmer(assuming they have warm blood at this point) making them able to do slightly more, then pass on the hair gene until it is all over. Then another generation mutates slightly to have a little more hair, and so on and so forth. Same thing for the breasts, those that were able to feed there children survived better thus the trait was passed on. Same thing for the young being born inside.

Also: there is no record of any evolution of any kind. Animals are the same and have been the same since we can remember. Also, naturally, there is no record. By now, over the last few thousand years, we should have some change of some kind. But since we are the same as we were a few thousand years ago.

Wow. This is totally ignorant. There is plenty of records, just look at one of the dozens of links we have provided.... Evolution takes time. A lot of it. If you want to see micro evolution, just look at a banana, dog, or any crop. They were all bread, by humans, to have specific traits, such as long living and dogs breeds having strong noses, thanks to evolution.

Now, the textbooks. Even today, they are showing things that were proved false a while ago. Shouldn't they have taken them out by now? And why do they show a picture - or even idea - that the whale lost legs and dove into the sea? Isn't Evolution about gaining things, not losing them?

Most aren't. Evolution is about being fit for survival. Lets say a species of deer had five legs, and managed to survive. One leg just hang loosely from its stomach. Evolving it off would make growth and food usage more effective.

I don't know if you realized... Mark Cahill was a Evolutionist just like you all the way through college. He provides a crapload of evidence (or lack of) against Evolution, and why the Bible is much more believable than Evolution

The Bible is less believable than my seventh grade creative writing assignment, everything is more believable than it...

For example, he explains how the Bible is historically and scientifically accurate

Yes, like the talking snakes that eat dirt. Great science there... And its about as historic as the Iliad, why are they not taken as infallible?

The Bible states ideas - including atoms - before they found out the earth was round.

Were in hell does it say about the atom? "And then, O LORD, you created a microscopic building block, with a nuclease, electrons, protons, and neutrons, with the protons and neutrons in the middle. O LORD you have made the electron act as if a wave some of the time, but as a solid other of the time." I would like to see that verse..

The universe was created by someone who knew what they were doing, from fine craftwork like atoms to entire galaxies, and strings of galaxies, and music

Our eye takes images upside down. Without massive work from the brain, you would see everything upside down. If there is a designer, why not make a better eye?

Today Mark Cahill is a speaker and evangelist, speaking at youth conferences and camps and such. (he is an incredible speaker, I'll tell you that.)

Great, another child brain washer...

You do realize that the Creationist ideas have been dis proven, over and over and over and over, hundreds of years ago?
3,085 posts

While I'm here I think I'll throw in some articles about Common Descent and Disproving Intelligent Design. Get back to me when you've read those and perhaps you'll better understand things.

3,085 posts

Jeol - every heard of a little thing called being Bipedal (walking on 2 feet)?

Almost (if not all) birds are and a number of fossils suggest a number of our ancestors and a number of reptiles were also bipedal AND i'm probably missing some stuff out there.

3,817 posts

There are other questions I have. Humans are very far in the line - they can think, they have free will, and can do other things that regular animals can't

It is theorized that beasts can think, they obviously have what you would call "free will", and can do everything humans can... For example, have you ever seen one of the videos of a non human animal using/making tools?

Where did humans learn to walk on their feet?

Its not something you learn. Apes have the same ability. It is a useful trait we have gained that makes climbing much simpler.

they're the only animal that does it normally.

More ignorance...

Notice how its walking on its feet.

Babies crawl, their parents teach them to walk.

Babies crawl do to there inability to walk. You don't "learn" to walk. Its something that is natural. If both your parents were killed by Lord Voldemort (who has a striking resemblance to your god) then you would still walk even without them "teaching" you.

Where did we originally learn that from

You don't learn to walk -_-. Most animals can walk only a little time after there born, without any need to be thought how to walk..

No animal can talk,

What do you call dogs barking, howling, and whining? They are communicating. What do you call primates using hand signals? Communicating.

Birds will build nests, but no other animal will do that

Rats, primates, parry dog burrows, mole holes, actually nest building is quite common.

Bears will sometimes walk on their feet, however very rarely, usually only when they are angry

I already proved your ignorance here...

Oh look, another biped!

Shouldn't all the animals have formed into more complex beings, like us?

They are, what makes you think your so advanced? Even bacteria is advanced now a days.

Why are there no transformations happening now?

There are, they just take forever.

In conclusion, your arguments are based solely on ignorance... Avorne's links get the rest.
9,462 posts

I would be SO insulted to come from apes.

Your in luck then, we didn't. We descended from monkeys.

I'd much rather be made in the image of God than of the image of Ape.

Considering the petty and often cruel nature of the particular God this thread is dealing with, I'll pass thank you.

You know that sort of insulted me. Here are some things I do know: Evolution has never been totally correct historically. Nor scientifically. Even if Evolution were through mutation, it wouldn't work because mutation only affects, it does not create.

Mutation can add or take away information from the genome.

Scales had to have mutated into hair.

You mean like Thrinaxodon? At this point in evolution it had also made the jump to being warm blooded, Thought it still layed eggs.

Breasts had to have evolved from nothing.

Actually it's believed mammary glands evolved from sweat glands.

Externally laid eggs had to evolve into soft-shelled eggs that were nourished by an umbilical cord and placenta in a womb.

Which considering we were going into a colder environment would have proved a beneficial evolutionary step.

But anyway I'm not sure what your getting at? The process didn't happen all at once, as we can see indicated with Thrinaxodon.

Also: there is no record of any evolution of any kind. Animals are the same and have been the same since we can remember.

Did you just not see the post of 70 examples just one page back?

But if you want a living example how about the Nylonase.

And why do they show a picture - or even idea - that the whale lost legs and dove into the sea? Isn't Evolution about gaining things, not losing them?

Other way around, it went into the water then lost it's legs in favor of flippers which befitted the species more then legs. Also evolution doesn't necessarily have to add, it's simply change in a species population over generations influenced by the environment.

Mark Cahill was a Evolutionist just like you all the way through college. He provides a crapload of evidence (or lack of) against Evolution, and why the Bible is much more believable than Evolution.

An evangelist says evolution doesn't happen, wow I'm so surprised. Never heard one of those say that.

For example, he explains how the Bible is historically and scientifically accurate.

Yeah like bats being birds, four legged insects, and talking snakes while providing no evidence, you know scientific.

The Bible states ideas - including atoms - before they found out the earth was round. How the - ?

Yeah notice these claims are only stated until after science makes the finding, and not before.

Only explanation: The universe was created by someone who knew what they were doing, from fine craftwork like atoms to entire galaxies, and strings of galaxies, and music.

Or your just interpreting ancient text to make it say what you want. Which considering the claim that it was already in the Bible is only made until after that fact is likely.
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