ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
118 posts

Now, for references of Scientifically correct things before the ideas were actually proven...

Round Earth:
Isaiah 40:22

It is he who sits above the circle of the earth,
   and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers;
who stretches out the heavens like a curtain,
   and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;

Science used to teach that the earth used to sit on the back of an animal. The reason scientists taught this was because they couldn't believe the flat earth wasn't supported by something.
Job 26:7

He stretches out the north over the void
   and hangs the earth on nothing.

Now, the Bible talks about atoms. 2,000 years ago, when Hebrews was written, it said in the third verse of the eleventh chapter:

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

That enough for you?

Woah. Regardless of all (expected) irrelevant nitpicking by others that Is legit impressive. To lil' ol me.
4,005 posts

@ Eless:

Firstly, a circle is NOT a sphere, which the Earth is. Also, common wisdom at the time taught that the earth was a disk, not a square. So to say "The circle of the earth" was in keeping with the flat earth idea and has no bearing on the earth actually being a sphere.

Also, the earth would hang on nothing according to the Christian view because the teachings of the earth supported by a large creature were tied to pagan religions. Christianity taught that God placed the earth within a void, partly to separate themselves from many of the pagan teachings. Also, Greek mythology placed the earth over a pit or void, so the idea wasn't solely Christian in its origins.

Lastly, the passage of Hebrews 11:3 is a very new translation. If we go back to more accurate translations of this passage from the original language they were written in we find that it more closely says:
"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

This means that the word of God, or his spirit, make up everything. This was also a common teaching among Christianity, that all things are a part of God, being that God is everywhere. This in no way at all refers to atomic particles.

9,462 posts

Firstly, a circle is NOT a sphere, which the Earth is.

Actually it's not even a sphere it's a spheroid.
4,005 posts

Actually it's not even a sphere it's a spheroid.

Very similar. The point I was making is that it is a 3 dimensional object, not a flat surface. But thanks for getting übertechnical with me
3,826 posts

Round Earth:

The ancient Greeks had adopted a curved (spherical) Earth model long before Christianity (or even Monotheism) came about. Two facts that even they could observe supported the claim:

1) When traveling north or south, the declination of the stars in the sky changed. At higher degrees in latitude, stars near the horizon will disappear while new stars can be observed. A flat Earth model wouldn't account for this.

2) Once navigation and sailing became more widespread, ships sailing off into the distance appeared to dip below the water. If the Earth was flat, the ship would get smaller and smaller until it reached a point where you couldn't see it. Yet again, clear evidence that the Earth is curved.

The point here is that the Bible wasn't needed to "teach" people these things. Even if we accept that the Bible talked about the Earth being round or spherical or whatever, that in no way entails the knowledge must have come from God.
The whole myth that people in the 15th century thought the Earth was flat and that Columbus would fall off is just silly. Blame bad history teachers or whatever, but simply put - the Bible did not provide any information in this area that wasn't already known.

Now, the Bible talks about atoms. 2,000 years ago, when Hebrews was written, it said in the third verse of the eleventh chapter:

The concept of an atom is a metaphysical one and again finds its roots in the ancient Greeks. The Atomists, led by Leucippus and Democritus (his student) posited the atom as a small, unchangeable, indestructible building block of matter.
Once an actual atom was discovered, the name stuck. But this is merely an artifact of ancient philosophy rather than some sort of Biblical prophecy.
Of course, we now know the atom is in reality quite divisible. God certainly would have known this too, so it seems this passage might actually count against any sort of Biblical pre-knowledge.
As for the verse itself, it's very reminiscent (almost verbatim) of the relationship between atoms and what philosophers called the void. So really, the passage is inane; it tells us nothing more than what the ancients had already posited.
9,462 posts

eehhh, Hebrew won't write in this. but for what I was saying:

I did a look up and it turns out this is the Hebrew word used.

Since I'm not sure the above link will work here is another
3,085 posts

Y'know what? I like to imagine the world looks like this:

And I should imagine that the disc shape was what was implied in the bible and not a spheroid.

1,360 posts

Y'know what? I like to imagine the world looks like this:

Doesn't it?
3,085 posts

Until I'm shown proof that it isn't then I guess I'm allowed to believe that it is - after all I have an artist's rendition of it so it MUST be true.

1,360 posts

Until I'm shown proof that it isn't then I guess I'm allowed to believe that it is

I can disprove you, God sent me this from his iPhone:

It clearly shows how the Earth works, he spins it, and cups his hands over one side, hence the night and day cycles.
His hands cover the sun on half the globe, and he turns it slowly so it doesn't get too hot and he can't hold it.
9,462 posts

But still, referring to my last post, circle can be anything.

That's because it was likely being pictured in more of a compass form which can also use the same word.

A compass being a flat object.

to draw around, make a circle, Short Definition: compass

Again this word indicates something flat not spherical.
If the world was being viewed as being compass like and flat this also makes the part where the Bible says the world has corners make more sense.
4,005 posts

Have you ever heard a definition of a sphere? It is considered a three-dimensional round object. In the place of round, circle is a little more strict. Since a sphere is only a more defined way of saying a circle, I think we would be better off leaving this topic alone.

Again, that is not correct. A circle is a 2 dimensional (flat) shape. A sphere is not. And even with all that aside the Greeks had put forth a spherical earth theory as early as the 6th century BC (nearly 1000 years before the books of the Bible you are referring to were written). Again, this proves nothing in regards to Biblical accounts of science.

Or, if you want more reasons, then if you rotate a sphere in any direction, it looks like a circle. You look at a picture, it says it's a sphere, but looking straight on, it only looks like a circle. You look at it from the side, it looks like a flat object supposed to look like a circle.

Thanks for proving my point. If you only have a 2 dimensional view of a sphere you would say that it was a circle, as was said in the Bible. However if you were God you would know that it was indeed a spherical object and would state that it was such. Again, this shows that the Bible has not put forth anything scientific which wasn't known at the time it was written. Doesn't exactly equate to 'divine knowledge'.
3,817 posts

Have you ever heard a definition of a sphere? It is considered a three-dimensional round object. In the place of round, circle is a little more strict. Since a sphere is only a more defined way of saying a circle, I think we would be better off leaving this topic alone. Or, if you want more reasons, then if you rotate a sphere in any direction, it looks like a circle. You look at a picture, it says it's a sphere, but looking straight on, it only looks like a circle. You look at it from the side, it looks like a flat object supposed to look like a circle.

I am assuming you haven't. Look at a basket ball. Its not flat, no matter how you look at it (unless, of course its a flat basket ball, in witch case this example doesn't work) and is BY NO DEFINITION A CIRCLE!

You're assuming that the people who wrote the Bible didn't know a thing about science. Then why does it mention a circle? I always thought of a square or a rectangle than a circle when I heard the words 'The world is flat'. Also, the atoms. It talks about us being made of things that could not be seen by the eye. Atoms are basically the only thing we haven't seen with our eyes, telescopes or microscopes. Obviously, they must have known something.


Small lesson here:

This is a circle:

This is a sphere:

Notice that the circle is flat and the sphere is not. Since it says circle, I assume it means what it says thus it is saying the world is flat...

As for the atoms, we have already stated that it is actually saying "God is everywhere!" not stating anything about atoms.
3,817 posts

I mean the bottom one is a sphere, my mistake...

1,751 posts

But earth has two differences from the sphere you showed:
1. On earth you could not see the other side of the ball.
2. Earth is not a net.

For example, this is a sphere:

This is a circle:

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