I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
If you follow the two "greatest commandments" from somewhere in Matthew, everything else should fall into place. The greatest commandment was, "love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and spirit." The second was "love your neighbor as yourself." Can you see why those are "right"?
But the problem with your argument is that not everyone is that way. I don't love my neighbors as myself, simply because they are bad people. If you saw a woman beating her adopted son in the street on Christmas Eve, would you love that person as yourself? I think not.
Also, if there was nothing unsavory or violent that the Bible wants you to follow, then say bye-bye to Deuteronomy and Levites. Those books are just about how you should stone gays and not accept other religions. Would you consider that "good?" You, aaroniscool, and you too, fourtytwo, seem pretty stingy about following the Bible's word. So, I have a few questions for you two.
Do you wear clothes of mixed fibers? No: SAINTLY!! Yes: SINNER!!!
Do you stone adulterers and homosexuals to death in your spare time? No: YOU FAIL!!! Yes: HOLY WAR!!
Do you kill all of those who aren't Christian? No: YOU FAIL!!! Yes: GENOCIDE IN THE NAME OF GOD! Do you shave the corners of your beard? No: SAINTLY! Yes: WHY SO GAUDY?? Are these things practical in modern society? No. A good deal of the Bible is just not fit for modern life, and it can't amended like the Constitution. None of you guys are pure Christians. A pure Christian would always bring a bag of rocks with him on his strolls to kill people with different religious beliefs, and also for some homosexual head-busting. That's killing, which is a sin.
A ton of the rules you are speaking of were set for sanitary reasons. We, hopefully, are much more sanitary than when the Israelites were taking their hike through the wilderness. Two of the things you posted were for practical purposes. Clothes of mixed fibers tended to rip easily (I think). Technology has overcome that problem. I'm not sure why you wouldn't shave the corners of your beard, but there is a practical purpose for that rule. The Israelites were told to kill all adulterers and homosexuals that were Israelite. They were not told to go out looking for homosexuals to kill. Last point. Where does it say in the Bible that we are to go about killing everyone who isn't a Christian. The Bible doesn't tell us to do that!!!
Kill anyone with a different religion. (Deuteronomy 17:2-7)
If you find out a city worships a different god, destroy the city and kill all of it's inhabitants... even the animals. (Deuteronomy 13:12-15)
If anyone, even your own family suggests worshipping another God, kill them. (Deuteronomy 13:6-10)
Anyone who dreams or prophesizes anything that is against God, or anyone who tries to turn you from God, is to be put to death. (Deuteronomy 13:5)
Firefly found these. Doesn't that scream "kill all non-Christians" to you? The Old Testament is part of the Bible too, so shouldn't you follow it to be Christian?
A ton of the rules you are speaking of were set for sanitary reasons. We, hopefully, are much more sanitary than when the Israelites were taking their hike through the wilderness.
What about selling your daughter as a slave?
And basically exiling girls on their periods, and then making them sacrifice doves at the temple to rejoin the village? That sounds pretty fun.
And basically exiling girls on their periods, and then making them sacrifice doves at the temple to rejoin the village? That sounds pretty fun.
hmm i thought they were supposed to sacrifice goats not doves its also for when a woman gives birth but i think they just weren't allowed on holy ground during that time they didn't have to leave the village
Those books are just about how you should stone gays and not accept other religions. Would you consider that "good?"
wait what is this "good" you speak of? Some set of absolute morals. Because last time I checked someone told me stoning gays and murdering was morally right if your perspective morals are set up that way.
Firefly found these. Doesn't that scream "kill all non-Christians" to you? The Old Testament is part of the Bible too, so shouldn't you follow it to be Christian?
This is in Israel. The Israelites were notorious for disobeying God, so whenever they came within contact with worshipers of fertility gods of the region, they would start worshiping them. These rules were for preventing Israel from being taken over by other religions. The Israelites were only meant to take over the land of Canaan, so they were only meant to kill the inhabitants of Canaan.
You mean murder. Murder is in the Ten Commandments. Capital punishment and murder are two different things.
capital punishment is for government, not religious practices. Besides, the rules that were set for only sanitary reasons or just for the Israelites just shows how hit-and-miss the Bible is. ----------- You describing religious cleansing as capital punishment makes it seem like you think it's right to kill people with a different religion. Does it ever mention tolerance in the Bible?