ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
9,821 posts

Without an absolute code of morals and an absolute good and evil, I could come kill you right now and if you practiced what you preach and let me go on my perceptive views of morality I shouldn't be punished correct?

You either don't understand what I posted, or didn't read it all. You would still be punished, because of the code of morals forced upon you by the USA. You would be tried by people with a different code of morals than you, who would see your murder of me wrong. You would be imprisoned on those morals, despite you not seeing anything wrong. Besides, there is not a universal code of morals, or an absolute right and wrong. What you perceive as absolutely right or wrong is different than that of, say, A Wehrmacht soldier, or an SS commander. It is not an absolute code of morals, just a justice system in place in your country.
Also, your argument is miles from my point. My point was to drschust, in saying that if there were no morals from God, that humanity wouldn't care because we would not know and from our perspective, we would be oblivious so would not even know we were missing anything.
55 posts

Throughout history times have changed and views on civilization. Two main historical points I have that don't follow your theory. First of all Christianity didn't always exist being handed down generation by generation. After Jesus died and rose, slowly the world converted to Christianity. Many, many died for the cause. If your theory was true, this couldn't have happened. Because all the Jews would still be Jewish and all the Gentiles would still be Gentiles like they were raised.

Secondly, a dog is oblivious to morals. If humans were too why do we such stark contrast between the two species. I have never seen a dog artist, musician, or mathematician. Not even a bad one. Their seems too be some difference between us that isn't natural. Dogs have morals exactly like you described, genetic and surrounding based. But humans seem to be the only animal who can think outside themselves.

5,838 posts

I'd like to hear both Pixie214's and thisisnotanalt's answer.

I would share my view but thisisnotanalt got it perfectly right. Morality is different from different pespectives..
509 posts

Secondly, a dog is oblivious to morals. If humans were too why do we such stark contrast between the two species. I have never seen a dog artist, musician, or mathematician.

Both dolphins and primates can recognize themselves in a mirror, and yet there are huge differences between the two of them.

Just because two things have something in common doesn't mean they're exactly the same.

And a persons profession has almost nothing to do with morals.
653 posts

I have never seen a dog artist

there's dogs that are artists i saw one on Ripley's believe it or not and then another one on the discovery channel or something i think
9,821 posts

Throughout history times have changed and views on civilization. Two main historical points I have that don't follow your theory. First of all Christianity didn't always exist being handed down generation by generation. After Jesus died and rose, slowly the world converted to Christianity. Many, many died for the cause. If your theory was true, this couldn't have happened. Because all the Jews would still be Jewish and all the Gentiles would still be Gentiles like they were raised.

That's not what I'm saying though. I'm not saying that a person would have the same beliefs throughout their life, I'm saying that morality is dependent on perspective. Your reply is completely incoherent to my post. Also, Christian morals supposedly exist alongside with God, not their religion (you said this yourself) so the morals would still be in humanity as long as their was a God, because God supposedly always was and always is.
945 posts

While you can understand the religious act of Christianity everything about it makes more sense and can only be properly understood IF they believe in Jesus as their personal savior I speak from experience :P

You obviously have never experienced intelligence either. I speak from experience from 16 years as a BAPTIST.
653 posts

While you can understand the religious act of Christianity everything about it makes more sense and can only be properly understood IF they believe in Jesus as their personal savior I speak from experience

you sound like a televangelist or something i mean I've studied a bunch of religions and just because i don't believe in Shiva or Kami doesn't mean i don't understand Shinto or Hinduism
3,224 posts

Without an absolute code of morals and an absolute good and evil, I could come kill you right now and if you practiced what you preach and let me go on my perceptive views of morality I shouldn't be punished correct?

Before the Bible and Christianity was about, did people just run around killing each other? No. You have little fiath in people if you belive there need to be codified sets of rules to prevent people from going on rampages.
9,821 posts

deth666 and firefly have good points. You don't have to believe in something to understand it, samy. That just goes without saying. Also, morality is not the only thing stopping people from killing and raping their way across the world; that's just stupid.

4,871 posts

you sound like a televangelist or something i mean I've studied a bunch of religions and just because i don't believe in Shiva or Kami doesn't mean i don't understand Shinto or Hinduism

Sure it does, tell me how it feels to be part of their religion? Right you can't, fail.

You obviously have never experienced intelligence either. I speak from experience from 16 years as a BAPTIST.

And your not a teenager on here arguing with kids, you've obviously never experienced females. (sorry but i don't like him very much flaming is worth it)

You don't have to believe in something to understand it, samy. That just goes without saying.

You can comprehend it but you won't be able to fully understand it and there's a difference between a religion and science so don't use that as a counter-argument.
653 posts

Sure it does, tell me how it feels to be part of their religion? Right you can't, fail.

ok but what does feeling apart of something have to do with understanding it if you can't understand a religion unless you believe in it then why do people convert to other religions it just doesn't make sense
1,051 posts

You can comprehend it but you won't be able to fully understand it

understand (ndr-stnd)
v. un·der·stood (-std), un·der·stand·ing, un·der·stands
1. To perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of
945 posts

And your not a teenager on here arguing with kids, you've obviously never experienced females. (sorry but i don't like him very much flaming is worth it)

Your right I'm not a teenager.... And you attack on me is weak and immature. You are taking the stand point of, "no one knows anything except me." You're doing a really great job of it too, as no one could possibly understand you, you have a really good chance of getting your point across to others, Christian and Atheist alike. You should start your own branch of Christianity and write the book of Samy. It will be full of spelling errors and bad grammar were everyone is an idiot and should just shut up and listen to the great profit Samy. The book of Samy will have been written by God himself, and handed to you during your breakfast. It's a holy book that clarifies all questions in the bible and has proof in it's pages to justify what ever it is you do.

Good luck with that.
55 posts

Also, morality is not the only thing stopping people from killing and raping their way across the world; that's just stupid.

What's so bad about raping and killing your way across the world? As long as their perspective says that its fine, who are you to tell them otherwise. You're being biased against people who were raised that raping and killing are fine.
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