ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

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9,821 posts

If you have only your faith, then you don't have as leg to stand on when it comes to correctness. Of course, it is fallacious to try to disprove a belief, but still. . . .

1,310 posts

Faith indeed.

christianboy777, do you follow all of the teachings in the bible, or just some of them?

131 posts

Thisisnotanalt i sadly agree to you. i always think almost every day what if god isnt their what are we just a creation of a explosion. i personaly i hate thinking that. it scares me. when i think of that it just puts me down. i am not rejecting the truth of which it might be but i am trying to think a better truth. By the way you did not affend me i couldnt agree more

131 posts

i have not actually read the whole bible. but the things i did read and read about i beleive not just because of my religion and i feel i need to but the fact that i beleive miracles can happen.

9,821 posts

@christian: It's important to consider alternatives. It's one of the main reasons that the human race has moved beyond hunter-gathering. You don't need to be frightened. . . .

131 posts

i know that is were faith comes in. i used to be scared but i am not any more

1,455 posts

i personally am athiest, but my opinion is no one elses matter. if someone is a creationist than they have the the exact same rights as anyone else and people shouldnt be treated differently for what they believe in

Well said! Religion really shouldn't start up discriminations of any kind. It's not important what religion we are, but that we all came to armorgames to make and play computer games. Never forget what life's really about (in case anybody didn't get it, I was kidding about the last part).
3,224 posts


I was waiting for an appropriate moment to drop Pascal's wager, but you beat me to it mate

Hehe, that's me

I don't think Pascal's Wager holds up. . .at all.

Seconded. There are several criticisms of the concept that I shall point out, so that, never again on these forums, shall someone dare to give them any creedance.

It assumes there is no cost to belief.

It doesn't take into account you might choose the wrong God to believe in, and as there is no way of knowing which faith is correct, it is quite likely; Allah might punish you more for believing in God than for holding no beliefs.

It assumes that any deity rewards faith over making up your own mind, even if you get it wrong.

It assumes,(as has already been mentioned), that God will reward you just the same as 'true belief' as God would if you were jst trying to scam the system.

To bring Dawkins into it (this is for you Hidden),

''"Suppose we grant that there is indeed some small chance that God exists. Nevertheless, it could be said that you will lead a better, fuller life if you bet on his not existing, than if you bet on his existing and therefore squander your precious time on worshipping him, sacrificing to him, fighting and dying for him, etc."''

From ''The God Delusion''

I think that pretty much sums up why Pascal's Wager doesn't work.
9 posts

In my opinion Pascal's Wager was never intended to convince people to become a member of a religion or faith; more to point out that these are the outcomes (heaven/hell/nothing) - so have a serious think about making the right choice and don't just say that you can't be bothered.

Let's face it, suppose any religion is following a real deity - it's going to have serious consequences if you don't follow.

1,455 posts

Allah might punish you more for believing in God than for holding no beliefs.

I just wanted to point out that I am in a faith which is in tune with my morals. If there is a god and he judges based on religion, he probably also judges based on morals, which is something that shouldn't be perverted by faith, but vice versa. That's always been my only concern with atheism, that since it doesn't encourage (notice I am not saying that atheists have no morals, only that their faith doesn't encourage them) morals. Morals should guide every decision you make, including which religion you choose. Therefore, religion should also guide almost every decision you make. However, since people don't always choose faith in tune with their morals, I'd assume that judgement would be on their morals. My only point is that I'm not certain Allah would do anything simply in response to someone's faith.
3,224 posts

only that their faith doesn't encourage them)

Whether or not atheism is a fath, or requires faith is certainly debatable.

including which religion you choose.

Why should one have to choosea relligion?

My only point is that I'm not certain Allah would do anything simply in response to someone's faith.

Doubtless there are several passages in most of the religious texts that would comndemn non believers to an eternity of fiery torment, even if they hold 'good' morals(I apostrophize good as morals are highly subjective).
131 posts

FIREFLY: they have a choice between all these different religion. When they get raise though they normally go for what their parents religion is. Whn they grow up they have more of a choice because they are normally smart enough to make their own decision on what religion they practice. what they choose th cycle starts over again when they have children

9,821 posts

@firefly: Nice argument against Pascal's Wager. Also, it counts on the existence of an afterlife. If there is no afterlife, then you just wasted that much time gambling on going to hell because you believed in a deity that would send you to hell for not having blind faith. . .such a gamble turns out bad either way, because you either waste time of your life worshiping a nonexistent deity, or you go to hell for not blindly accepting the deity.
@christian: Allah supposedly is like God in that respect; the Christian God sends people to hell if they aren't Christian. Even if they have what this God thinks to be 'good' morals.(which, as firefly said, are not definite, they are subjective.)

1,455 posts

Whether or not atheism is a fath, or requires faith is certainly debatable.

You're right, I guess replace faith with belief.
Why should one have to choosea relligion?

Which religion you choose or the choice not to believe in a religion, then.
Doubtless there are several passages in most of the religious texts that would comndemn non believers to an eternity of fiery torment, even if they hold 'good' morals

Don't forget, if that's Old Testament, the Christian faith may pay less credibility to it, since Jesus came to reform those scriptures. If you mean when the Bible says none get get to the Father unless through the Son, Christians believe that we will meet the Son after death, whether or not we knew him before.
1,455 posts

the Christian God sends people to hell if they aren't Christian. Even if they have what this God thinks to be 'good' morals.

You seem to have read a lot about the Bible, so I'm going to guess you might remember a story about a blind man Jesus cured. In the story, the blind man tells the Pharisees that Jesus cured him, and then Jesus says something to the extent of, "This man was blind, so he has not had the chance to sin. You are not blind, so your sin remains." The moral being not so much to do with physical blindness, but that the Pharisees knew the scriptures and still didn't follow them to the extent they asked others to follow them. In this way, people who don't believe in Christ usually don't know him (emotionally, not scientifically), so they aren't going to Hell for not knowing. I hope this may clear up what I was trying to say earlier. The only reason I used a Bible story was because I wanted to show that Christianity believes this too.
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