ForumsQuestsCaribbean Admiral Quests

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This thread is a place to discuss quests for Caribbean Admiral. Here is a list of the current quests available for this pirate-slaying game...
You Are Stronger!
Buy 5 ships.
Hardness: Easy
Sell Master
Sell 100 goods.
Hardness: Easy
Kill 'Em All
Destroy 40 enemy ships.
Hardness: Medium
Sea Wolf
Destroy 7 enemy ships without entering a port.
Hardness: Medium
Right Way
Make 15 upgrades on your ships.
Hardness: Medium
Merry Christmas!
Find Christmas Tree.
Hardness: Medium
Fast Admiral
Finish the game less then 300 days.
Hardness: Hard
Freedom to Everybody
Free 7 harbours from the pirates.
Hardness: Hard

  • 39 Replies
650 posts

@Gantic - kill enemy ships. Eventually you'll get a cargo from one of them that is a Christmas Tree. I got it on the 2nd group of ships I destroyed.

You have to make sure that you actually have cargo space when killing ships though - if your cargo is full when you kill enemy ships you won't get it. So if you only killed ships when going between ports with full cargo, you won't get it.

Empty out your cargo hold and go kill a bunch of ships.

11,891 posts

Thanks. I eventually got it.

317 posts

I seriously do not understand how to win the game in under 300 days.

246 posts

153 days - hull shot is the only shot to use.

317 posts

Its pretty hard. I don't know. I think a lot of it is luck.

11,891 posts

If you aren't able to get the best damage ship by day 200, you should restart and focus on attacking enemy ships. Use the Powder and Dynamite to help you beat higher level ships. Put stars into all but cargo. (You should easily be making plenty of money later on and don't need it.) Don't waste points on studying upgrades until you get to the last ship. Attack ships that are on the way to your next port or you'll unnecessarily add days to your journey.

2 posts

Ow, i really thought it was 7 _groups_ of ships.

1,417 posts

Nope, just 7 ships.
I see you've completed that quest,well congratulations

246 posts

went back and revenged myself on the ghost ship in 99 days.

194 posts

about 150-170 days myself, that quest should be for under 200days to give a little more challenge. Going under 100days is impressive

3,174 posts

This may sound a bit noob, but I think it's worth noting.

It appears that every click on the overview map (where you move your ship around), causes the days to go up. So if you are going for the Fast Admiral Quest (Finish the game less then 300 days.) don't aimlessly wander around the map and waste days. Known where you are going to go and click there.

Also, I suppose it would be smart not to complete Fast Admiral and Sea Wolf (Destroy 7 enemy ships without entering a port.) in the same play through. It looks like Sea Wolf will only slow you down if you are going for Fast Admiral in the same play through.

3,174 posts

Wait, nevermind the second paragraph of what I said, it looks like I may have misunderstood that quest. I thought you couldn't enter any port at all without first destroying 7 ships. But in reality I think you just have to go on one run of destroying 7 ships without entering a port in between.

3,174 posts

Okay, looks like 1 click no matter what = 1 day of time. But also the distance you travel seems to affect how many days are used up as well. Don't know if this is correct though.

1,417 posts

Each action will cost you 1 day.
(Entering the port,battle...)

If you are trying to cross the longer destinations
you will get penalties!!!

So it's true, quote: The distance you travel seems
to affect how many days are used up as well.

But there's a catch

The number of actions that you can do on the open sea
is determined by the strength of your sails.

With the strong sails,ship will move faster,
and that's going to save up your time.

3,174 posts

Thanks for the confirmation :]

A few things I noticed while playing (some already stated).

- Don't waste any money or war points buying ships on that branch off to your left. Buy ships in the column on your right and your right only (This is the column that has

Ship of the Line
at the top). Ship of the Line is the best ship in the game, in my opinion.

- Don't use any attack other than quick shot. It cost less AP and does almost the same amount of damage as the others. You can defeat a ship but destroying it's sails but it seems to take just as many shots. Same for aiming at the crew. Aiming for the haul may do a little more damage, but it's not noticeable. Use quick shot only and possibly haul shot for the final boss.

- Board ships only to get the achievements for boarding ships. So don't bother to board more than 30 ships.

- When you fight always try to knock out one ship at a time. It's better to face 2 fully healed enemy ships on the enemies turn instead of 3 half damaged enemy ships on the enemies turn. If you attack first and knock out one enemy ship, it means one less enemy firing at you and do damage to you on the next turn.

- Don't overkill an enemy. If you shoot too quickly and don't wait to see how much damage your shot does, you may send 3 shots to an enemy that could have be destroyed in two. That's a wasted shot that could have done damage to another enemy.

- Once you've upgraded your fleet a bit and have some decent money, you may want to begin using Powder (costs $500 and does 1.5x Damage) or Dynamite (costs $5000 and does 3x Damage) in your battles. it can be really helpful, just make sure to use it correctly. If an enemy ship only has 20 health left don't wast your money using dynamite or powder, instead switch to Cannon, your regular shot to finish them off. Powder and Dynamite are extra helpful when you go first in battle. If you can defeat the entire enemy fleet before they can attack you, you can avoid being damaged and having to repair your ships. Just make sure that you don't spend more money on Powder and Dynamite than you will make for winning the battle.

- Buying a ship will reduce the cost of all the ships that are above it (for that particular ship). So if you buy the Carrack for you middle ship, all the ships above Carrack will be slightly cheaper for the middle ship. Don't bother saving money up to buy an expensive ship. As soon as you have enough money, go to your lowest ship you own and buy the next best one. (You may want to wait until you have a little extra cash for repairs, before buying the next better ship).

- Fully upgrade all of your lower level ships when you have them. Do this until you obtain "make 25 upgrades" (if you want you can do this until you have "make 50 upgrades", but there's no point in getting "make 100 upgrades&quot. Doing this with the lower end ships will cost less war points and gold and will give you stars for upgrades. Once you get 25 (or 50) upgrades don't bother to upgrade any new ships until you have the best ship, Ship of the Line.

- Don't bother to upgrade cargo, whether it be the cargo upgrade that uses stars or a cargo upgrade on a ship itself. (Do upgrade cargo on individual ships if you are going for the "make 25 upgrades" it should be cheap enough not to be a big deal.)

- The easier ports to unlock are: San Pedro, Pinar, and Montego.

- The medium ports to unlock are: Panama and Port-au-Prince (I think)

- The hard ports to unlock are: Fijo, Caracas, Dominica, and San Ivan (I think)

- Don't bother to trade items aside from doing it to get some of the achievements. I've found that the game can make it look like you are going to make money, but you end up losing money. It's unreliable and it seems easier to make you money from battles and conquering ports.

- To beat the final boss you basically need to do this:
Have 3 Ship of the Line ships each one fully upgraded. With stars, have damage, action points, accuracy, and hull fully upgraded. Make sure to have plenty of money before entering the final boss battle. Around $300,000 should be enough. During the boss fight make sure every attack you do is Dynamite (3x damage and costs $5000). Use only quick shotor aim for haul. I used aim for haul when I beat the final boss.

- If you follow the above you should also be able to beat the game in less than 300 days.

Most of this has been pointed out already and the game kind of guides you into doing some of this stuff, but I usually end up getting carried away and posting this kind of stuff anyway, even when the games are rather simple. (Or I post something and then some one points out a big flaw or has an easier technique and I feel stupid lol, but this one should be pretty solid.)
Showing 16-30 of 39