I like how you say Normal and then contrast it with Terrible XD
The "norm" stereotype of parents would likely be the hard workers with the religious background who did 4+ years in the military, at or above highschool diploma, works an office job. "Strives to tell you to be either a doctor or lawyer after college" fits the bill.
"Tech geeks who married their college lab partners who'd rather watch Star Trek than Football" wouldn't be adhering to the norm, but wouldn't be terrible either.
You probably want to be doing a Normal vs. Unique comparison. 5 points to Freakenstein for "dodging the point" and "being nitpicky".
Yes, my mother actually lectured me about smoking while she smoked. Get. In. My. League.
If it were me getting lectured, it would be about the increased insurance costs.
Yes, my mother actually lectured me about smoking while she smoked.
Perhaps she knows she was too 'weak-willed' to stop after starting, and doesn't want you to be the same way. But that's still her wants, not your freedoms.
Yes, my mother actually lectured me about smoking while she smoked. Get. In. My. League.
Think of it this way. She probably doesn't want you to start smoking so you don't become addicted to it, then have to go through the problem of not being able to stop. It's not easy. My Dad has lectured me many times to stop smoking, and he smokes. He says he never should have started.
Don't think of her as being hypocritical, think of her as actually trying to improve your life.
My parents are so weird... They told me I couldn't go bowling with a group of co-workers from work. I don't understand why, I'm not a dumb little kid anymore.
Then they will turn right around and ask why I don't go out very much at night. I could tell you 50 other daily occurrences that I still don't understand. (Part of the reason why I don't have a girlfriend. She has to meet their standards, and even if I find one that does, my Mom will find some reason not to like her.)
But it's still my choice to make. And I do it fuly accepting that any consequence which come about are my fault. I take issue with her telling me to do things either based on a faulty premise (I somehow won't go to college) or based on horrific mis-information.
My mother only cares about my history and english grades - because those are the only classes that matter. My mother wants me to be a liberal arts major - because thats where the money is at (lol wut) and also because science and math don't matter. My mother thinks I'm an idiot for wanting to be a biology major, for wanting to get an ROTC scholarship, or for wanting to jointhe Army after college. She thinks my doing NHS, Beta Club, and Debate is a waste of time - and thinks my 130 lb arse should do something useful, like football. I am expected to make my entire life mold to what is convient for her - even if it means missing academic events so we can spend "quality time" with whatever guy she happens to be dating that week.
My mother doesn't care what I do, so long as it benefits her and somehow makes her look good. She is the most narcissitic, self serving individual I have ever had the misfortune to meet.
I smoke because of the stress in my life. Shocking, right? I have to live with a woman who takes little interest in any of the crap I do. Have I no right to vent every once in awhile? Or perhaps this will get written off as teenage angst, or some self righteous "im 18 im an adult lol" BS.
My mother only cares about my history and english grades - because those are the only classes that matter. My mother wants me to be a liberal arts major - because thats where the money is at (lol wut) and also because science and math don't matter. My mother thinks I'm an idiot for wanting to be a biology major, for wanting to get an ROTC scholarship, or for wanting to jointhe Army after college. She thinks my doing NHS, Beta Club, and Debate is a waste of time - and thinks my 130 lb arse should do something useful, like football. I am expected to make my entire life mold to what is convient for her - even if it means missing academic events so we can spend "quality time" with whatever guy she happens to be dating that week.
My mother doesn't care what I do, so long as it benefits her and somehow makes her look good. She is the most narcissitic, self serving individual I have ever had the misfortune to meet.
I smoke because of the stress in my life. Shocking, right? I have to live with a woman who takes little interest in any of the crap I do. Have I no right to vent every once in awhile? Or perhaps this will get written off as teenage angst, or some self righteous "im 18 im an adult lol" BS.
this is pretty different from your first comment in this thread though dont you think? only thing i can say, do what makes you feel happy. she isnt even using logic to try and convince you to do what she wants. theres no reason for you to do what she wants you to do. live your own life and simply ignore what she says.
easier said then done, but its the better thing to do at least in my opinion
My mom is actually a lot cooler then most parents. I don't get the strict, restrictive, boring life style most kids suffer from. The relationship is very much so "Don't blow up the house and stop doing your duties and you're fine". She says this because I almost blew up the house once...
I'd like you to elaborate on your blowing-up-of-the-house-ness.
*inhales* So, my parents. My dad's pretty cool. He's the type that would take all your friends to a movie and pay for the tickets for no reason. Plus, he doesn't tell me off when I climb trees or read. The two problems I have with him is that he restricts my computer time (which is a neccessary evil) and then makes me go to stupid clubs like 'Youth Council!' WHICH ISN'T FOR ANTISOCIAL PEOPLE BUT MEH. And....and then there's my mom. Who is the exact opposite of my dad, so ya gotta wonder how they stayed together this long.... So, from my mom's perspective: Whenever I'm on a computer, I MUST study, even if I just spent the last 45 minutes or so staring at whatever it was she wanted me to study. I'm not allowed to use computers for most of the week (but I subvert that anyway.) I should take a thirty-minute walk when I'm doing my homework because I'm not active enough. I should do my homework instead of going on a walk. I'm irresponsible, ungrateful, stupid, and all sorts of other things. When I can't find something my sister was using a week ago, I'm an idiot and I'm conspiring against her to make her life miserable. When I shut my computer off, but it decided to restart instead, I planned it so she's going to threaten to kill me. When I'm taking my book upstairs to read it, I'm obviously somehow smuggling an electronic device upstairs to play games all night and her own paranoia leads her to ransack my room. When I was little, she'd print out like ten math worksheets and whenver I answered them wrong, she'd hit me on t he wrist with a ruler. I should wash the dishes instead of cleaning the table. When I wash the dishes she wants to know why I'm not cleaning the table. When I'm practicing piano, I should be studying/taking a walk/cleaning the kitchen/vacuuming the house/licking the exterior of the house spotless with my tongue. Well, maybe not that last one...Basically, she's never pleased, likes to yell at me, and probably wishes I were dead. ._. So, yeah. Ending rant now.