Here is a place to announce new RPGs that are looking for players. Users can look here for new RPGs they can join. Provide a link to your thread and a short description of your RPG to attract new players. Please let other users know if registration is closed.
Posts over two weeks old will be deleted to keep things fresh.
I'm not going to delete posts from this thread because of the bug and create a new one every month instead, while keeping the previous month's around for a week or two. Thought it might've been fixed when I last deleted, but apparently not.
Not exactly an RPG, but the Armor Gamer Championship is back up. Sign up and battle it out with other players to prove yourself as the Champion of Armor Gamers!
Operation Overlord is up! An invasion medley of d-day, vietnam, verdun, and Avatar, it's sure to keep you interested (at least until they make Sonny 3)
The Starship Management game just started and there are 4 player slots available! If you want to command a crew and protect your faction, go there and send your character application!