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ForumsQuestsRoad of the Dead 2 Quests

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9,323 posts

This thread is a place to discuss quests for Road of the Dead 2. Here is a list of the current quests available for this zombie-squishing action game...
Hydroficially Evolved
Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.
Hardness: Easy
Blunt Force Trauma
Kill 100 zombies with your vehicle.
Hardness: Easy
Death Race
Maintain max speed for 0.5 km.
Hardness: Medium
Mutant Sandwich
Survive 2 mutants side grappling both characters.
Hardness: Mediuim
Heaven Sent
Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing.
Hardness: Medium
Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Complete story mode.
Hardness: Hard
Mutant Stomp
Reach 20 km in mutant meltdown.
Hardness: Hard

  • 144 Replies
272 posts

I've finally got it! It was so hard... you have to be so careful, patient and lucky! It took me almost an hour! Stop a lot, it's not about speed!

4 posts

Mutant Sandwich - I've had only one at a time. his one is going to be luck based?

650 posts

@goldenspirit - I won't record a run (too boring), but I posted a decently in-depth walkthrough on page 6 of this thread.

@Gantic - there is absolutely no reason to kill them unless they are on your car. As soon as you kill one, another spawns. Killing them constantly does nothing but force you to stop more often for ammo.

@dandy666 - It's a little luck based, but still easy to do in Mutant Meltdown because the only enemies are mutants. Beat the normal game and then do a Mutant Meltdown run. You're all but guaranteed to get double grappled multiple times before 20k. Towards the end you'll have 5-8 mutants spawned at once.

413 posts

Yes, very luck-based. Two SPECIAL zombies must harass you (those which you can't shoot down, but have to hit special buttons).

They say it's easiest happen in Mutant Meltdown.

1 posts

First post on AG \\o/

Figured out I'd be posting a few tips for the 20k on Mutant Meltdown after seeing people whine about it even in other AG game topics, but it seems Olinser covered much of it...

A few additions maybe that I don't think I've seen or been clearly stated:
1 - You can shoot the mutants while they grab the driver. Headshots get them down in no time even if they start at full health. That avoids repetead hits on the driver action key, which seems to help with lag in general and avoiding the keyboard getting stuck.

2 - Mutant waves grow larger with time. And mutants are really only dangerous when there's a group because of the increased chance of getting an "unfortunate random event" (like a driver grab just when you spot the carpet bombing going straight at you, or a mutant landing on the hood blocking your line of fire on green mines). So kill of most of the group but keep one or two around. If you drive fast and avoids them when they jump, they'll barely be a bother. If they land on the hood, keep aiming at the body so you don't kill them. If they grab the driver, don't kill them either, just push them away. This way, you prevent the next wave from coming. Your new buddies will die eventually, from mines, tankers or bombing - but you'll have had a pleasant ride until then, and you can just repeat with the next wave.

I guess that's it... Apart from that, maximize your best weapon and use only that one (I'll second Olinser that the pistol and shotgun are pure crap), Stop at all garages and repair everything.

I finished it with the dude driving & the chick gunning - vehicle stats and her weapon stats to the max (including in-game skill bonuses that got leveled to the max way before the end of story mode), faster driver actions to the max, and that's it. No medkits, no chopper (had some levels in it but couldn't find the key to activate it so didn't bother since I didn't feel it was really needed), no mounted weapons. Seriously, it's not that hard, which brings me to the rant part

People, for real, this game is not hard. I'd be generous giving it a 6/10 on difficulty. Agreed AG games are usually 2 or 3 so that's twice as hard as your usual AG game, but come on. You have to have discovered video games in the 2000s to think this is hard. You'd all ragequit after 2 minutes of any old NES game. Now I find all the whining funny and sad at the same time. Funny to see people getting so aggravated because there is something they can't beat after just a few tries. Sad to think that it's because of you all and your low standards that no decent video game has been done in the past 15 years.

As for the lag - it's there but seriously, it's manageable. I run on an entry-level Gateway laptop from 5 years ago and I have no real problem; just need to relaunch the app (which takes what, 15 seconds?) every hour or so when lagging starts causing keyboard "locks" (that can be unlocked anyway but they just increase death rate too much). I don't know what you all do with your machines to have so much lag that you can't play this game. I've had much worse lag and keyboard issues on other AG games (Strike Force Heroes 2 for example was a real pain in the ***).

Anyway, rant done, good luck to you all!

11,891 posts

@Olinser I'm not able to handle the lag with multiple mutants on the screen. If one of them latches onto the car or one of the characters, I would not be able to do anything due to the delay between moving my mouse and the cursor reacting.

650 posts

@Gantic - then you need to go into settings, disable zombie tints, turn off sound/music, and turn it to the lowest quality possible.

Make sure no other flash applications are running and every other window is closed (so many websites have those stupid flash adds on the side of the screen these days). Turn off any streaming or peer to peer software you have on.

If you still lag after that.... I'm sorry to say it, but find a better computer to play on. I did it on a FAR from new computer that crashes if more than 1 flash app tries to run, and turning all the settings down still completely eliminated lag.

3,087 posts

@Gantic Are you using chrome? Because in my experience chrome tends to eat up more stuff when running, causing games to lag that don't normally lag in Firefox.

~~~Darth Caedus

11,891 posts

Nah. It's a hardware issue. I need more RAM since 4GB isn't enough for some of these games. I can turn everything down to the lowest setting and still lag after running the game for 10-20 minutes due to memory leaks. Same issue for games like SFH2 and Epic Combo Redux. Refreshing after every playthrough makes it more manageable, but while in game, managing the number objects on screen was pretty much the only way I managed to earn the quests for those games.

1 posts

Loads too long

38 posts

I think I have some good ideas for how to get the DEATH RACE achievement.
First things first... get the ENTIRE set of Hummer upgrades. Armor, Engine, Tires... the works.
Also, beat the story mode campaign at least once.
Then, buy the ROCKET LAUNCHER Hummer gun upgrade.
Now, start the story mode campaign anew.

This will take more than a few tries, but it should eventually work.
Also, it's useful if you're running ONLY one browser tab (preferably in a Firefox-type browser) with Road of the Dead2 running in it, to further minimize lag. That said, it's also good to reduce game-quality to low and zombie-tints to OFF.

Anyway... now that you're starting the game anew, the first strip of roadway you'll be coming across will be mostly desolate. Now, start driving until you reach top speed, and maintain top speed for no less than 500meters.

If your hummer so much as TAPS any another object physically, you will lose some speed, and you won't get the achievement. If this happens, then press "P" to pause, quit out the game, then restart the game anew, and remember to keep trying.

Having said that... there are just a few objects that won't slow you down if the hummer makes physical contact. They should include -- among other things -- orange road cones, human/zombie remains that are absolutely splattered, and ruined-vehicles remains that are almost nothing but a burning husk.

That in mind, when vehicles are shot at with rockets, they are reduced to nothing but a burning husk. So, when you're driving really fast, and you see a line of vehicles ahead of you that you aren't sure you'll be able to steer around, you can try to blast them with rockets. That might be enough to remove the vehicle as an impediment, and increase your chances of getting the achievement that much more.


9 posts

Finally get all quests.Death Race cost me almost 1 hour...

78 posts

Is my eyesight just really bad, or is it impossible to see the flashing green mines till you're practically next to them? Or does it have something to do with the low quality setting?

78 posts

Seems like practice makes perfect. Somehow managed to crawl through to the end of campaign mode. Spent about half a day on the last highway level, lol.

Just got Death Race quest by accident during a mutant meltdown attempt, during the 2nd time I went onto the highway. The road was largely free of obstacles, the chain link fences didn't slow the humvee down, and the mutants thankfully kept clear of me.

I failed almost 10 times trying to get this quest by repeating the start of the campaign, so perhaps mutant meltdown is the best game mode to get this quest...

14,745 posts

Since the release of the Quests for this game I've been trying to get the "Mutant Stomp" Quest, but the furthest I've reached was 16.2 km... persevering here!!! (@.@)

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