Everything else is battling, why should food be left out?
This should be pretty straightforward. Two foods will battle against each other, and the one with the most votes will win the round. Obviously you get one vote per round.
I hate strawberris from the store they have no taste and feels weird. But when i go camping sometimes i find wild straw berries growing on the ground and i absuletly love them. So it depends on the strawberries but.... Strawberries!!
I love all fruit almost equally, but for probability's sake, I shall cast a vote for raspberries! I bring probability into the equation because, at least from my experience eating strawberries, if I take a bite of one, there's about a 3 out of 4 chance it will be delicious... but there's still that 1 in 4 chance that it will be one of those mushy depressing ones that are overly sweet and no fun to eat... =/
When it comes to raspberries, I've never eaten a bad one! The perfect 100% probability earns my vote! =)
Raspberries have a wider range of culinary uses. Strawberries are as good by themselves as raspberries, but they don't blend as cleanly with non-fruit items so I've found.
I eat burritos all the time, and I don't particularly care for enchiladas. Too much emphasis on cheese, and they're silverware-oriented food. A burrito you can eat with your hands and, if the burrito chefs did their job correctly and the burrito doesn't fall apart before you've eaten it, your hands will not get messy.