ForumsForum GamesThe New Beginning *REBOOT* (RPG)

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295 posts

Hey! This is a reboot of my first forum game, which I will link soon enough.

Backstory: There used to be an Earth. A nice one, at that. Humans lived peacefully on it. Then came war, and weapons, and new nuclear weapons, the Earth blew up, blah blah blah.
The point is, humans destroyed their own planet with pollution and war (have I mentioned that already?). You are disappointed, but you decide to try again. At what, you ask? At making a new Earth. YOU are the..."god," as those humans named you, and you want to turn over a fresh leaf. You are starting Earth's New Beginning.

All players will work together on this, managing the new human race and the new planet you have created. It's not an individual story for each player, as with most RPGs, but you and your fellow immortals have to make an Earth together. Unfortunately, your "fresh start" has made you start fresh. That means you are a fledgling god, instead of the figure of divine power you were.

Name: (Self-explanatory)
Gender: Male, Female, or Nonsexual
Age: 4 1/2 Billion Years.
Element: Choose an element or force of nature that you specialize in. You have power in all aspects, but this element you particularly have more power in.
Personality: Do you ignore insults, or immediately reprimand the speaker? Are you caring and generous or despising and miserly? This is basically where you put how you usually act.
Appearance: What you look like to other beings.
You have 25 points to distribute among the following skills:
Intelligence: Your general knowledge.
Charisma: How powerful your presence is and how easily you can persuade someone to do something.
Constitution: Your health; how much damage you can take before disintegrating.
Strength: Your physical prowess (even gods have limits.)
Creation: Your ability in other elements; the difference from being able to create a puddle instead of an ocean.

Any questions, just ask.

  • 151 Replies
379 posts

Name: The Destroyer
Gender: Mal
Age: 4 1/2 Billion Years.
Element: Destruction in general, particualary fire.
Personality: I destroy stuff, especially stuff I don't like. Stuff I like may not be destroyed.
Appearance: A vaguely humanoid wall of flames.
Intelligence: 0
Charisma: 0
Strength: 0
Creation: 25

How do I start?

295 posts

Name: The Destroyer
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 billion years
Element: Destruction in general, particularly fire.
Personality: I destroy stuff, especially stuff I don't like. Stuff I like may not be destroyed.
Appearance: A vaguely humanoid wall of flames.
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 0
Charisma: 0
Constitution: 0
Strength: 0
Creation: 25

Hello, anewbeginning! Thanks for joining! (Your name seems oddly familiar....:P)

Once I get one or two more people to join, I'll send out the scene where you wake up.

(I would also recommend distributing your skills a little more evenly; being able to create a volcano doesn't help when you faint after creating a spark, etc.)

295 posts
161 posts

Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 Billion Years
Element: Earth/Ground
Personality: A little timid, likes to help out and interact with Gods
Appearance: Changes depending situation (Small human, big human, etc.)
You have 25 points to distribute among the following skills:
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
Constitution: 6
Strength: 4
Creation: 6

Let's go

295 posts

Name: Tehroc
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 Billion Years
Element: Earth/Ground
Personality: A little timid, likes to help out and interact with Gods
Appearance: Changes depending on the situation (Small human, big human, etc.)
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
Constitution: 6
Strength: 4
Creation: 6

Welcome, stinglashjp! I'll get this started soon enough.

379 posts

Name: The Destroyer
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 billion years
Element: Destruction in general, particularly fire.
Personality: I destroy stuff, especially stuff I don't like. Stuff I like may not be destroyed.
Appearance: A vaguely humanoid wall of flames.
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 0
Charisma: 0
Constitution: 8
Strength: 9
Creation: 8

Okay. I changed it.

161 posts

Wait, do we have to work together or can we make our own planets like in the last one?

295 posts

Name: The Destroyer
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 billion years
Element: Destruction in general, particularly fire.
Personality: I destroy stuff, especially stuff I don't like. Stuff I like may not be destroyed.
Appearance: A vaguely humanoid wall of flames.
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 0
Charisma: 0
Constitution: 8
Strength: 9
Creation: 8

If you're okay with being really stupid and very unimportant, then you're set to go.

Stinglash, you and your fellow gods are merely inhabiting the solar system together; how you decide to interact with others is entirely up to you.

213 posts

Name: Ur (Is this alright?)
Gender: Male
Age: 4 1/2 Billion Years.
Element: Sea Life (Is this alright also?)
Personality: I AM the sea life. Anything that lives now or has lived before, was created by me. Those giant crabs? Yup, those were me.
Appearance: A giant tortoise.
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 5
Constitution: 5
Strength: 8
Creation: 5

161 posts

Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 Billion Years
Element: Earth/Ground
Personality: A little timid, likes to help out and interact with Gods
Appearance: Changes depending situation (Small human, big human, etc.)
You have 25 points to distribute among the following skills:
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
Constitution: 6
Strength: 4
Creation: 6

(Name change to Terrok)

295 posts

Name: Ur (Totally cool. Pronunciation?)
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 billion years
Element: Sea Life (Yes, you are doing this fine. :P Would you like to be a little more general, like water or life or would you like to stay specific?)
Personality: I AM the sea life. Anything that lives now or has lived before, was created by me. Those giant crabs? Yup, those were me. (Does sea life include all life?)
Appearance: A giant tortoise.
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 5
Constitution: 5
Strength: 8
Creation: 5

Hey kastor! Thanks for joining, I'll get this started immediately.

Changes or items of attention in your character sheet will be italicized from now on. Please change them to normal font or remove them (depends on change) once you understand/agree to them.

Let's get started!

Name: The Destroyer
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 billion years
Element: Destruction in general, particularly fire.
Personality: I destroy stuff, especially stuff I don't like. Stuff I like may not be destroyed.
Appearance: A vaguely humanoid wall of flames.
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 0
Charisma: 0
Constitution: 8
Strength: 9
Creation: 8


That's how you would describe yourself, waking up this instant. A cloud of stupor surrounds you for a few seconds, dispersing quickly, but a lingering sense of cluelessness hovers around you.

You shake your head a few times, trying to get rid of the confusion, then look around. A vast expanse of black encompasses your entire view, dotted with flickering pinholes of light. A few spheres of rock and gas orbit a huge flaming ball of gas to your right.

None of this seems unfamiliar; in fact, it seems very comforting. The only jarring thing about all of this is that you cannot remember anything.

You barely manage to recollect your name and abilities, namely those of destruction. You feel it had a part in your amnesia.

What do you do?

Name: Tehroc
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 Billion Years
Element: Earth/Ground
Personality: A little timid, likes to help out and interact with Gods
Appearance: Changes depending on the situation (Small human, big human, etc.)
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
Constitution: 6
Strength: 4
Creation: 6

As you blink your eyes awake, you feel like a newborn baby, lost and confused A lingering sense of cluelessness hovers around you.

You shake your head a few times then look around. A vast expanse of black encompasses your entire view, dotted with flickering pinholes of light. A few spheres of rock and gas orbit a huge flaming ball of gas to your right.

None of this seems unfamiliar; in fact, it seems very comforting. The many planets, especially the rock-based ones, call to you in an almost instinctive way. The only jarring thing about all of this is that you cannot remember anything.

You barely manage to recollect your name and abilities, namely those of rock and ground. You feel it had a part in your amnesia.

What do you do?

Name: Ur (Totally cool. Pronunciation?)
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 billion years
Element: Sea Life (Yes, you are doing this fine. :P Would you like to be a little more general, like water or life or would you like to stay specific?)
Personality: I AM the sea life. Anything that lives now or has lived before, was created by me. Those giant crabs? Yup, those were me. (Does sea life include all life?)
Appearance: A giant tortoise.
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 5
Constitution: 5
Strength: 8
Creation: 5

As you slowly come to consciousness, you feel cold. Extremely cold; freezing cold; too cold.

You shake your head a few times then look around. A vast expanse of black encompasses your entire view, dotted with flickering pinholes of light. A few spheres of rock and gas orbit a huge flaming ball of gas to your right.

All of this seems slightly unfamiliar; in fact, it feels...wrong. The many planets call to you pitifully, lamenting about something they lost long ago. The most jarring thing about all of this is that you cannot remember anything.

You barely manage to recollect your name and abilities, namely those of water and sea life. You feel it had a part in your amnesia.

What do you do?

295 posts

Name: Terroc
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 Billion Years
Element: Earth/Ground
Personality: A little timid, likes to help out and interact with Gods
Appearance: Changes depending on the situation (Small human, big human, etc.)
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
Constitution: 6
Strength: 4
Creation: 6

Consider your name changed, Terrok.

115 posts

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 Billion Years
Element: Darkness/light (maybe on light is possibly)
Personality: Quick and to the point, sad usually, has a bad dark side
Appearance: A hooded figure with half face blackened
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 7
Charisma: 3
Constitution: 5
Strength: 5
Creation: 5

161 posts

Name: Terroc
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 Billion Years
Element: Earth/Ground
Personality: A little timid, likes to help out and interact with Gods
Appearance: Changes depending on the situation (Small human, big human, etc.)
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 4
Constitution: 6
Strength: 4
Creation: 6

I attempt to dive deep into my thoughts to see if I can recollect anything about my past.

213 posts

Name: Ur (Totally cool. Pronunciation? Sorta like Er :P)
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 billion years
Element: Sea Life (Yes, you are doing this fine. :P Would you like to be a little more general, like water or life or would you like to stay specific? Yea, I'll change it to Water if that's alright.)
Personality: I AM the water life. Anything that lives now or has lived before, was created by me. Those giant crabs? Yup, those were me. (Does sea life include all life? Everything that can survive in water.)
Appearance: A giant tortoise.
--You have 0 points to distribute among the following skills--
Intelligence: 2
Charisma: 5
Constitution: 5
Strength: 8
Creation: 5

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