Battle of the games Hey guys!I am just creating a thread,Battle of the games. The Rules are: 1.A user should not post more than 1 entry in 1 competition.(but they are free to see through the competition and ask questions!) 2.No subject changing. 3.Be patient,every competition lasts for 1 week! So,the first competition is between: Sinjid VS Strike Force Heroes
You can just play it over and over without getting boring because of its custom match. And you get to level up to buy more weapons, making it more fun!
SFH2. I beat both of these games and Raze 2 just isn't as fun as you only have one player and there is no sniper. However I like the power ups in that game. (they do have power ups right? Haven't played in a long time)
I would vote for strike force heroes 2. Very fun to play it. Raze 2 on the other hand I don't play it often. also Raze 2 has no quests and SFH2 does so put me down for: SFH2