So it's Turkey Day (still actually Wednesday where I live) and I was wondering what are you guys doing today? Watching the pigskin or eating the birds (may they be poisoned or not) or what.
Anybody else hunt their own turkeys? It's the best part for me.
No but I see turkeys once in a while on the bike path near my home. All I have to do is ride fast and stretch my arm and grab one by the neck. xD Seriously there was one standing by the road and it didn't move when I was close by. I could tell it was thinking about it taking off but it didn't. I just said, "what's up future dinner." xD
No but I see turkeys once in a while on the bike path near my home. All I have to do is ride fast and stretch my arm and grab one by the neck. xD Seriously there was one standing by the road and it didn't move when I was close by. I could tell it was thinking about it taking off but it didn't. I just said, "what's up future dinner." xD
I wish it were that easy for me. I have to get a hunting license and a permit to use my gun. Then I have to go to one of the designated hunting spots and find some wandering the woods, otherwise it's illegal. On the bright side, the harder it is to kill, the fatter and tastier it is. I caught a 62.4 pounder last year! Fed the entire family and then some.